Agenda item


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


There were no Submissions from the Public registered for this meeting.


Questions to Council


Anonymous, resident of Mooroolbark, asked:


The Yarra Ranges Civic Centre redevelopment is now finished and open to the public. What has the council done to offset the carbon emissions caused by the construction works and if the council has, what cost has this come in at?


Mark Varmalis, Director Environment & Infrastructure responded:


Thank you to the resident for your question,


In developing the design for the redevelopment of the Council’s Civic Centre, Council was mindful of the design being developed to minimise the impact of carbon emissions.


Aspects included in the building design included:


·         A 99KW solar panel system designed to enable a surplus of renewable electricity supply in summer which will offset winter usage. Council has also recently received federal government funding to install batteries within the building, offsetting any night time use and enabling the facility to be active in an emergency. The cost of installing a 99kw system is around $150,000.   These measures will save around $5,000 per month when compared to previous Council office usage.


·         The building is designed to maximise orientation to allow for natural light, minimising the need for artificial lighting. All lighting is LED, low energy usage.


·         There are rainwater tanks beneath the buildings that will reduce the potable water consumption by 80%.


·         During construction almost 90% of the demolition materials was diverted from landfill through reuse and recycling.


Council has also recently renewed its energy contract to participate along with 47 other councils in a Power Purchasing Agreement for the supply of renewable energy for power used by street lighting and Council facilities, saving over $300.000 per annum.  Any power not able to be met through the Civic Centre solar and battery system will be sourced with a renewable supply.


Mr Raymond Shaw, Resident of Lilydale, asked:


Can Council please investigate a traffic issue that is blocking entry into the Mt Evelyn Men’s Shed facility?  


Usual Access to Men's Shed in Mt Evelyn has signage to say Don't Enter - the school is blocking access of car park as they are "using" - ie: have taken over/possession of that space.


Jane Price, Director Communities responded:


Thank you for your question, Mrs Shaw,


The Mt Evelyn Campus of the Cire Community School is located at 20 Hereford Rd, Mt Evelyn. The facility and surrounding land is leased to Cire by Yarra Ranges Council. The Mt Evelyn Men’s Shed is also located on the site. The Men’s Shed have an agreement with Cire for the use of their facility and co-located car parking.


To ensure safety of children using the area, twelve to eighteen months ago Cire installed fixed signage at the back of the Men’s Shed to stop cars driving through from one side of the school to the other, as well as a temporary plastic bollard and sign during school times. A separate sign was also installed that clearly states: ‘Men’s Shed Users Only’. The intention of these signs is to limit general access to the area, while still allowing access to shed users. This arrangement reduced access through the site, requiring that Shed users entered and exited through the same point. It also separated staff parking from shed user parking.

Supporting documents: