Agenda item

CT6788 Road Maintenance and Street Sweeping Award of Tender


Cr Skelton left the meeting prior to consideration of the item, having declared a conflict of interest in this item.




The incumbent Road Maintenance and Sweeping services contractor is DM Roads (Downer Pty Ltd). The Contract for this expires on 31 August 2022.


The new Contract is comprised of a price for one contractor performing the full service (All Services), or alternative proposals for Road Maintenance and Street Sweeping being conducted by separate contractors.


Tenders were advertised/released by e-Tendering on 11 December 2021 and closed 3pm, Wednesday, 9 February 2022.

A Tender Evaluation Panel was established in accordance with Council’s

Procurement Guidelines. Two Council Procurement Services staff along with an independent Probity Auditor were involved throughout the tender process and have reviewed and signed off on the tender evaluation process. The Tender Evaluation Panel consisted of four Council representatives performing the evaluation and scoring, supported by an independent consultant with expertise in the field providing insight and feedback into the process.


Six companies lodged tenders for All or Part of the service:

·         Road Maintenance and Street Sweeping Services (combined) – 3 Submissions

·         Road Maintenance Services (only) – 3 Submissions

·         Street Sweeping Services (only) – 3 Submissions

·         An additional submission was received from a seventh company, but it was considered non-compliant as it included no pricing and was a promotional exercise to introduce their services.


The Tender Evaluation Panel undertook a comprehensive tender evaluation process and shortlisted three companies.


Two of the companies offered All Services or All Services less Street Sweeping. The third company is a Street Sweeping specialist and has tendered a part service based on Street Sweeping as a stand-alone contract alternative.


The Tender Evaluation Panel undertook a Best and Final Offer (BAFO) process on the shortlisted submissions.


The Tender Evaluation Panel’s preferred option is to accept an Alternative Submission and appoint a combination of two contractors for the various parts of the Contract, based on balancing qualitative and price factors with financial risk, contract management and strategic partnership arrangements.


Mover: Cr Eastham


Seconder: Cr Todorov


That Council


1.    Awards the tenders for Contract CT6788 - Road Maintenance and Street Sweeping for a contract period of five years including all extension options to the following companies for the delivery of the nominated portions:


(i)    CT6788 (A) – Provision of Street Sweeping Services to Specialised Pavement Services Pty Ltd (ABN 46 076 353 887) as per its conforming tender for a Year One amount of $1,080,000 (GST exclusive).


(ii)   CT6788 (B) – Provision of Road Maintenance Services (Unsealed Roads Grading, Drain Maintenance, etc) to MACA Infrastructure Pty Ltd (ABN 60 604 456 055) as per its BAFO – Conforming submission for a Year One amount of $5,975,981.16 (GST exclusive).


2.    Accepts the schedule of rates for provisional works as per the Pricing Schedules in Confidential Attachment 1.


3.    The Director of Environment and Engineering be delegated authority to extend the contract term by up to two (2) years on the terms set out in the original contract Directs the contract documents be signed.


4.    Resolves that the confidential attachments to this report remain confidential indefinitely as they relate to matters specified under Section 3(1) (g)(i), (g)(ii) of the Local Government Act 2020.


The motion was Carried unanimously.


Supporting documents: