Agenda item

CT6513 Construction of a Community Sporting Pavilion, Pinks Reserve, Kilsyth



This report summarises the evaluation process and seeks Council approval for the Construction contract for the Pinks Reserve Community Sporting Pavilion at Kilsyth.

The Pinks Reserve Community & Sporting Pavilion project is a community driven project with wide and in-depth support from the Local community and the wider sporting community that connects and links all of the surrounding suburbs of Kilsyth and beyond.

The existing facilities are in poor condition and do not conform to current codes or standards. The size and functionality of the existing pavilion is restricting growth in sporting participation and other community uses. The demolition of the existing pavilion building and the construction of a new pavilion will see a purpose made fully accessible facility that will optimise use, increase patronage, and provide a meeting and social space for the community as a whole.

The new community sports pavilion will support the core sporting needs of football and cricket and other community groups for the next 50+ years. This project will provide a permanent home for sport and recreation groups in Kilsyth, whilst complementing the existing community facilities in the reserve and broader area.

The new community sports pavilion will be a contemporary facility which fits in with the current and future development works of the reserve and is physically and functionally aligned to the playing fields and all surrounding activities.

Four (4) pre-qualified suppliers from the Department of Treasury and Finance Construction Supplier Register (CSR) were invited to participate in a selective tender for this project on February 22, 2022. Council use of the CSR list is approved by the Minister of Local Government under section 186(5) (c) of the Local Government Act 1989 and is therefore compliant with Councils’ legislative requirements.

Tenders closed on March 24, 2022 and four (4) submissions were received.

The evaluation panel recommends the tender from Newpol Construction Pty Ltd be accepted for the Final Tender Price as detailed in the Confidential Attachment to this report.

This item has been included in the public agenda to facilitate openness and transparency in Council’s decision making. A confidential attachment has been included with the report which contains commercially sensitive information that is not to be disclosed whilst the meeting is open to the public.

The recommendation in this report has been formally endorsed by the evaluation panel.


Moved: Cr Eastham

Seconded: Cr Todorov


1.         Council awards the tender from Newpol Construction Pty Ltd for CT6153 Construction of a new Community Sporting Pavilion at Pinks Reserve in Kilsyth for the Final Tender Price and Construction Contingency as detailed in the Confidential Attachment to this report.

2.         The Director Environment and Infrastructure be delegated the authority to sign the contract documents.

3.         Council approve the allocation of $545,909 in additional project budget funding for the project comprising;

(a)   $300,000 from the State Government Growing Suburbs Fund allocation for Council’s Climate Resilience Buildings Program, and

(b)   $245,909 from Council’s Capital Expenditure Program Asset Investment Reserve achieved as savings due to the approval of $1.5m through the Federal Local Roads & Community Infrastructure grant funding allocation towards the PowelltownCommunity Sporting Pavilion project.

4.         The confidential attachment to this report remains confidential indefinitely as it relates to matters specified under Section 3(1) (g)(i), (g)(ii) of the Local Government Act 2020.

The motion was Carried unanimously.


Supporting documents: