Agenda item

Planning Application YR-2022/430 - 727-729 Maroondah Highway, Coldstream



The application seeks to expand wine storage and ageing capacity at Domaine Chandon Winery by constructing three warehouses. A planning permit is required for the building and works to construct under Clause 35.04 Green Wedge Zone and for building and works over seven metres under Clause 51.03.

A total of 53 trees are proposed to be removed to enable the construction of the warehouses.  The trees were planted by the winery and the removal is exempt from provision of native vegetation offsets under Clause 52.17, however a permit is still required for the removal of vegetation under the Significant Landscape Overlay (SLO17) and Clause 51.03. The application proposes replacement planting of 106 trees onto the site.

The application does not seek to increase patron numbers, no changes to the hours of operation, or make any alteration to the existing sale and consumption of liquor at the site. No additional staff are proposed.

The application has been advertised and no objections have been received.

The proposal meets the requirements of the Green Wedge Zone, Significant Landscape Overlay and Clause 51.03 and is considered to be an appropriate planning outcome. It is recommended that a planning permit be issued, subject to a condition for replacement planting.

Moved: Cr McAllister
Seconded: Cr Eastham

That Council resolve to approve Planning Application YR-2022/430 for Buildings and works to construct three warehouses to an existing winery and associated vegetation removal at 727-729 Maroondah Highway, Coldstream and issue a Planning Permit subject to the conditions in Attachment 1 to the report.

The motion was Carried unanimously.



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