Agenda item


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.




Sue Thompson of Kilsyth, asked: 

How much has it cost the rate payers of the Yarra Ranges Council to secure the safety of councillors, staff and ratepayers from the disrupters in the gallery at each council meeting since the beginning of the year?

Please include the costs for security guards and any modifications to the council chamber.


Andrew Hilson, Director Corporate Services:

Thank you for your question, Sue

Since January this year and prior to tonight, Council has spent approximately $12,600 engaging security guards and upgrading the security cameras in the public gallery area to ensure the safety of Councillors, Council staff and members of the public is maintained during Council meetings.

Changes to the configuration of chairs and tables are delivered by internal staff.





Sean Mulcahy of Ballarat North, asked: 

Given that the terms of reference of Council's Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee do not contain LGBTIQA+ inclusion in its purpose, will Council consider establishing an LGBTIQA+ Advisory Committee to ensure that Council is inclusive of LGBTIQA+ people who live, work and recreate in Yarra Ranges?


Helen Ruddell, Acting Director Communities:

Thank you for your question, Sean.

Council has not planned for the establishment of a standalone LGBTIQA+ Advisory Committee. The recent recruitment of Council’s Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee includes representation from the LGBTIQA+ community. The recruitment process is intentionally committed to ensuring diversity.







Anonymous asked: 

It is believed that responses were received about the WMBD project. This was majority from online where anyone from anywhere could comment, shape, and influence a town that they do not live in. This is unreasonable, inaccurate, and unfair data representation of the area. This was commented on by Cr Jim Child when this happened with Hanning farm.

Why it is now acceptable to use online feedback when it wasn’t a true representation of the community before? Will the responses from the WMBD be released for public viewing to see who has influenced this project and from where?


Hjalmar Philipp, Director Built Environment & Infrastructure:

Thank you for your question

Council are assuming your first question is in relation to the public exhibition and submission process for the Warburton Mountain Bike Destination Environment Effects Statement and Planning Scheme Amendment, which was conducted by Planning Panels Victoria in accordance with relevant policies and practices. 

There were 2707 submissions collected, and these are available on the Engage Victoria website ( 

The Minister for Planning released their assessment of the project in October 2022, which is available on the Department of Transport and Planning website (

Other local community consultation outside of the EES process is available on







Anonymous asked: 

I am a registered voter in the Yarra Ranges, I am a local resident of Warburton, I am involved with many community groups of which some are registered as a stakeholder for the Warburton Mountain Bike destination.

Members and I of these groups and the local residents were completely unaware of the amendments council made on this project, we were not invited to make comments, we were unaware of these amendments coming before council as a motion to be passed.

I note here using the internet and social media communication to Warburton residents and beyond is futile and residents do not receive newspapers and council is aware of this. It is essential for the councillors here, the gallery and those watching to know that community groups and local residents of Warburton have not been involved in this decision.

My questions are thus:

How did the Warburton Advancement league and CEDA know about the amendments to the project?

How did these handpicked groups know this was going to council?

Why were other stakeholder groups and the community not consulted when requested to do so by high authorises?


Hjalmar Philipp, Director Built Environment & Infrastructure:

Thank you for your question. 

Council assumes this question relates to the Warburton Mountain Bike Destination Planning Scheme Amendment agenda item at the 28 March 2023 Council meeting.  The agenda for that night was released on 23 March 2023 so that all community members could access this information.  We don’t know how specific groups made themselves aware.

I note the EES process run by Planning Process Victoria was an opportunity for community to have their say on the project. The changes Council made to the project aligned with the Minister’s Recommendation.

If it is helpful, please reach out, and we will include contact officer details in our response.








Anonymous asked: 

The community of Warburton would like to know exactly who and what groups were involved in the private meeting on the Thursday before the Vic Roads public meeting please? It was clear that the CFA, Martyrs buses, school bus run organiser, local businesses, and other community groups had no involvement or input to this private meeting. Why was tourism chosen over the safety concerns of the community and residents?


Helen Ruddell, Acting Director Communities:

Thank you for your question.

A meeting was called by CEDA, Council was invited and attended the meeting.

The Department of Transport coordinated a public meeting 3 April 2023, which was available for all community to attend.  The Warburton Valley CEDA membership includes businesses and organisations with an economic interest of the communities in Warburton Valley. 

These meetings don’t suggest a preference for tourism over community safety.









Anonymous asked: 

I have emailed the council about events being cancelled that in Warburton until the road is fully open with double lanes. I have had no response as I am aware that there are events planned that council have said are not.

For public safety I request that council please cancel all events in Warburton and beyond until the highway is open up to double lanes again.


Helen Ruddell, Acting Director Communities:

Thank you for your question.

There are no registered community events during the road closure period that Council is aware of. There are two Council programmed events scheduled for Arts Centre Warburton during this time.

These events have not been cancelled as it was considered important to provide local opportunities for social interaction. All ticket holders have been advised of the road works and have been encouraged to allow additional travel time and follow safety advice. 



There were no Submissions listed on the Agenda for this meeting.

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