Agenda item


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.




Tina Dalen, a resident of Lilydale, asked: 

According to the YR Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025, social connection is one of the key determinants of mental well-being. Among other things, this Plan was designed to promote a *sense of belonging and *acceptance of diversity.

However, actions were contrary to the plan, causing isolation and discrimination.

Page 106 of this Plan, is predicting future lockdowns:

How does the council plan to handle such lockdowns?

How will the strategy differ from the historical contradiction of the plan?


Jane Price, Director Communities:

Thank you for your question, Tina,

The determination of any future lockdowns is outside the discretion of local government and as such Council would rely upon the direction of the state government in managing any such situation.

Council is unable to answer the second question as it assumes awareness or knowledge of something that is unknown.





Suzanne Siciliano, a resident of Healesville, asked

Section 4b Local Government Act 2020 states you're a representative body & accountable, to whom are you accountable?

You must be transparent, collaborative, efficient & engaged with your community. Do you believe you're demonstrating this?


Andrew Hilson, Director Corporate Services

Thank you for your question, Suzanne,

Ultimately Local Governments exists to serve and support all people in their local communities. Councillors are democratically elected representatives who have been chosen by their Ward constituents to represent them.

We believe we are transparent, accountable and communicate clearly and honestly.

You have also asked a question regarding similarities between the 20-minute cities model and the United Nations – this question was answered at the 28 February 2023 Council Meeting, the minutes of which are available via Council’s website.




Anita Prowse, a resident of Woori Yallock, asked

Why does the Shire continue to blatantly lie about the equestrian clubs at Wesburn Park being in agreeance with the decisions on the Shire's proposals for the Park? I am one of the Clubs and have been VERY vocal about my extreme disagreeance at every possible moment. Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme (open land) land use compatibility says "accommodate community sports facilities in a way that is NOT DETREMENTAL TO OTHER PARK ACTIVITIES" when will you stop speaking untruths about club views?


Hjalmar Philipp, Director Build Environment & Infrastructure

Thank you for your question, Anita,

We do not agree that we have misrepresented the clubs’ view.

During the development of the Wesburn Park Master Plan, consultation occurred with all Wesburn Park user groups, with a variety of views captured. On balance, the plan that was adopted by Council with the proposed additions, encouraged greater community use of this important park acknowledging competing demands for this open space Importantly, any project that arises as a result of the Master Plan will have its own detailed planning and consultation process, where any specific issues can be considered. 

I invite you to reach out to me if you wish to discuss further.





Neil Doyle, a resident of Lilydale, asked

In relation to 10.3 of this weeks Agenda. It appears council is targeting partnership of other groups in the community to align with councils sustainability objectives and heath and wellbeing objectives to "facilitate positive social change".

Question 1.Why does our community need to change socially?

Question 2. Could this mean more over reach of council's perceived authority though these selected groups and allowing these groups to have perceived control over our community?


Jane Price, Director Communities

Thank you for your question, Neil,

In response to question one, change comes from the things that communities feel are positive and in line with their needs. Responses to grant criteria are not designed or directed by Council, rather by the applicants who determine what is needed in their local community.

In response to your second question, we do not believe this is an overreach of Council’s perceived authority. These grants are open to all community groups and we welcome applications from any group. This demonstrates Council’s commitment to empowering the community to identify and lead projects to improve local outcomes.




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