Agenda item

Active Recreation Plan – Community Consultation



This report seeks to inform Council of the draft Active Recreation Plan(draft Plan– attachment 1), and to seek approval to proceed with community consultation.A summary document of the draft Plan has been developed and is provided as attachment 2.

The plan targets an increase in physical activity levels in Yarra Ranges by 15% over ten years. Currently, over 42% of women and over 36% of men in Yarra Ranges are sedentary or insufficiently active. 89% of residents reported theywould be more active if there was something interesting, appealing, accessible and convenient provided.The draft Plan encourages people who are not meeting their physical activity guidelines to be more active by engaging in at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day, on at least 5 days of the week.

The fivekey principlesthat guideactions toreach theplan’s targetare:

·                Access: Active recreation opportunities that encourage participation and have a positive influence on physical health are provided in accessible and convenient places for residents within Yarra Ranges;

·                Diversity: A diversity of active recreation opportunities are provided reflectingthe diversity of our community and places across the municipality, the diversity of needs and preferences of the community, and different financial capacities;

·                Activation: Programming and events are delivered through internal and external partnerships to optimise utilisation of recreational assets, maximise health and wellbeing outcomes for the community, and contribute to sustainable tourism and economic prosperity across the municipality;

·                Inclusion: Facilities are designed with inclusion, accessibility, and safety of all people in mind, enabling individuals to make choices based on their needs and interests. There is a particular focus on women and girls, gender diverse people, disability, and Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing; and

·                SocialConnection: Where possible, active recreation facilities are provided in proximity to other compatible uses where they facilitate social interaction and encourage intergenerational use of reserves and spaces.

Implementation of the plan focuses on four action areas including:

·                Improving safety and accessibility;

·                Activating existing facilities;

·                Increasing facility provision where gaps have been identified; and

·                Diversifying the offer of recreation programs and infrastructure through new facility provision.

The draft Plan will set the strategic direction and form part of the proposed long term work program for the Recreation team. Activation of recreation and sport assets is a key outcome of the recent Recreation and Sport service review. The development of the draft Plan is being partially funded through a grant received from Sport and Recreation Victoria in 2019. Full implementation of the plan is estimated to cost $8,325,000 over ten years and will be subject to grant opportunities and budget availability.

Cr Heenan returned to the meeting at 9.48pm prior to a vote being taken.

Cr Cox returned to the meeting at 9.46pm prior to a vote being taken.


Moved: Cr Todorov
Seconded: Cr Skelton

That Council commence community consultation on the draft ActiveRecreation Plan.

The motion was Carried unanimously.



Moved: Cr Child
Seconded: Cr Higgins

That, in accordance with Rule 21 of the Governance Rules, the meeting be extended by 30 minutes to 10.30pm.

The motion was Carried unanimously.


Supporting documents: