Agenda item

Lilydale Heritage Amendment C207 Panel Recommendations



Amendment C207 proposes to amend the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme to apply the Heritage Overlay to thirteen places in Lilydale, amend the existing Heritage Overlay for five places in Lilydale, and add both the new and updated Statements of Significance for 20 heritage places as Incorporated Documents in the Planning Scheme.

The amendment was placed on public exhibition from 10 November 2022 to 12 December 2022 and five submissions were received.  Of those, two submissions opposed the application of the Heritage Overlay, one submission supported the amendment and requested a number of modifications to address accuracy of historical information and the proper acknowledgement of sources in the Statements of Significance for several properties, and two submissions stated that they had no objection to the amendment.

At the Council Meeting of 11 April 2023, Council considered submissions and resolved to request the appointment of an independent planning panel appointed by the Minister for Planning.

The Panel hearing was held on 1 August 2023.  The Panel has now provided its report and recommendations to Council.

The Panel has recommended that Amendment C207 be adopted with some modifications, including reduction in the size of the curtilage (mapped HO area) for the olive tree at 2-4 Albert Hill Road and refinement of the planning scheme provisions applying to the heritage trees at 57 Warburton Highway. A copy of the panel report is at Attachment 1.

It is recommended that Council adopt Amendment C207 consistent with the Panel’s findings.

In accordance with Governance Rule 58, Philip Burton spoke in support of the recommendation included in the officer report.

Moved: Cr Todorov
Seconded: Cr Heenan

That Council

1.         Having considered the recommendations of the Panel Report, adopt Amendment C207 to the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme with changes in accordance with the Panel’s recommendations and generally in accordance with Attachments to this report.

2.         Submit Amendment C207 to the Minister for Planning for approval.

3.         Write to submitters advising of the outcome of Council’s decision.

The motion was Carried unanimously.


Supporting documents: