Agenda item


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.




Anonymous asked;

When will Council will be consulting with the community over opening up the Public Gallery for Council Meetings so that the community can be included in the review process. I personally wish to have my privacy respected and remain anonymous and do not consent to being surveilled, monitored or recorded during the meeting which is my Democratic and Constitutional right and which is how I have participated in other Councils' meetings recently for example the Knox City Council meetings.


Andrew Hilson, Director Corporate Services:

Thank you for your question.

Council remains committed to the re-opening of the physical public gallery in the near future. Council will not be conducting community consultation regarding the reopening of the physical public gallery.

Council meetings will continue to be recorded and live streamed for the benefit of all community members watching the meetings online. All members of the community, contractors and staff that access the Council’s Civic Centre building are recorded under Council’s CCTV system. 

Community members who do not wish to be recorded at all are welcome to view the Council meeting and participate online via Council’s website.










Martin Dieleman of Lilydale asked;

Can the council please provide the total travel expenses associated with the office of Mayor since Jim Child took office on Tuesday 9th of November 2021?


Andrew Hilson, Director Corporate Services:

Councillor Jim Child was elected to the office of Mayor in November 2021 and has incurred the following travel expenses directly related to the position of Councillor (2021: July-Nov) and Mayor (2021 Nov – current).

The following information is extracted from Council’s Annual report for the 2021/22 reporting period:

·                July 2021 to June 2022, $10,716.10

The following information is the current year to date which has not yet been fully consolidated:

·                July 2022 to March 2023, estimated at $3,257.47

Council’s 2022/23 Annual Report will be finalised and published later this year. Councillor Allowances & Expenses will be published via Council’s website for the community’s viewing following the end of financial year financial management and auditing.






Neil Doyle of Lilydale asked;

When the council reopens the public gallery, will it allow other human rights, including questions about 20-minute cities and the UN, to be asked, and will it allow the public to record council meetings consistent with section 15 of the human rights act, the right to collect and impart information in the medium one chooses?


Andrew Hilson, Director Corporate Services

Thank you for your question Neil.

When Council reopens its physical gallery, questions pertaining to 20-minute cities and the United Nations will not be permitted as they have been previously addressed. This will ensure we can maintain focused and efficient Council meetings.

Filming from the gallery is prohibited under Rule 75 of the Governance Rules without the Chair's consent. However, recordings of Yarra Ranges Council meetings can be accessed via

This rule serves multiple purposes, for example it:

·                respects the rights and reputation of staff and the broader community,

·                aligns with Section 15 of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, which acknowledges that these rights come with responsibilities and restrictions, namely, for the protection of public order, public health or public morality. 

·                And it aims to prevent disruptions and safeguard public safety during the proceedings, reflecting the Council's commitment to maintaining an orderly environment.

Council must strike a balance between public participation and meeting functionality, while open dialogue, transparency, and consideration of public input are essential for a democratic and inclusive governance process that extends beyond Council meetings.







David Ricciuti of Silvan asked;

How can council claim to be unbiased and provide support for all residents of the Yarra Ranges when they purport to choose sides on a political issue? Whatever the upcoming referendum is really about, the council needs to be unbiased for all of the people of the Yarra Ranges. How can they be unbiased and represent all of the community while publicly choosing sides or claiming support on any particular issue?


Jane Price, Director Communities:

Thank you for your question David.

Council takes positions and decisions on a range of community issues considering the interests and needs of the Yarra Ranges community. It is acknowledged that there is a diversity of views in the community on important issues such as the referendum.

Council’s Reconciliation Policy demonstrates leadership and commitment to reconciliation and in this context Council has an Indigenous Advisory Committee whose role is to make recommendations to Council on a broad range of community issues that may affect the indigenous community of the Yarra Ranges.

The referendum is a decision for all Australians. Given it’s particular relevance and impact on the indigenous community, Council officers sought advice from the Indigenous Advisory Committee.

The IAC has recommended to Council a position on the referendum that supports the notion of the Uluru statement and a Voice to Parliament. The recommendation is clear that it is not Council’s role to tell people how to vote in this referendum.






Warwick Baker of Mooroolbark asked;

Council staff have stated at the Monbulk pop-up centre that the council did not have the funding to engage the public; what measures has the council taken to rectify this?


Kath McClusky, Director Planning and Sustainable Futures:

Thank you for your question Warwick

Council planned and carried out comprehensive engagement with the Monbulk community associated with the Draft Monbulk Urban Design Framework. 

A broad range of approaches were used to maximise reach, access and value for community, including mailout, printed posters, hard copy documents, newspaper articles and display panels, as well as a range of content on the webpage with videos, accessible digital versions of each document and social media posts. 

Council provides funding for consultation processes prior to engagement. We note that additional mail-outs were added to the consultation process in this case, in response to community requests.





The Chief Executive Office read the following statement.

Council received a further three Questions, two of which related to legal matters that under consideration so we will not read out and one pertaining to a live planning/development matter. As such, in accordance with Governance Sub-Rule 59.6, all three have been disallowed and will not be read out.



There were no Submissions listed on the Agenda for this meeting.


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