Agenda item


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.




Anonymous asked;


The Director of Planning and Sustainable Futures,responded to a question from Neil Doyle regarding street lights on Tuesday 14th March 2023 - quoted as: “The streetlights do not have the ability to collect data, images or monitor movement and have no internet capability or connectivity."

Given the manufacturers datasheet clearly states that the street lights are "smart city devices"...did council deliberately misinform the public, and what action has been taken to correct this?



Kath McClusky, Director Planning and Sustainable Futures:


Thank you for your question, just confirming that the lighting products selected for this project include no smart capabilities. The project will exchange inefficient and redundant lighting with energy efficient LED lighting.

Whilst the manufacturer may have smart capable lighting in their product range, these are not within the scope of this project.The replacement streetlights do not have the ability to collect data, images or monitor movement and have no internet capability or connectivity.








Anonymous asked;


In a previous response, council referred to the "Smarter Roads" machine learning (AI) CCTV installed at intersections by Vicroads and the Department of Transport and Planning, but did not address council owned or operated installations as asked. Can council please provide an asset register for all planned and existing installations or works that include such technology, including "interactive" areas, street signs, "art pieces", furniture or devices that are in or can view public spaces?


Hjalmar Philipp, Director Build Environment and Infrastructure:


Thank you for your question,

Council has not installed the Smarter Roads technology on its infrastructure. Therefore, Council’s asset register does not include any asset types relating to Smarter Roads or visual imagery technology.

Since the Council’s last response on Tuesday, 13th June 2023, in regards to Smarter Roads, the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) have provided a list of CCTV cameras that are installed within the municipality. The Department have stated that the CCTV installed on the network do not have facial recognition technology. The submitter will be provided a list of these installations in the written response from Council.





Daniel Van de Leur of Narre Warren South asked;


What is the planned Project schedule for the power lead-in works for the Lysterfield Transfer Station (840 Wellington Rd Lysterfield), When will the works for both Transfer Station and Yarra Pistol Club (830 Wellington Rd, Lysterfield) start and be completed by AusNet?


Hjalmar Philipp, Director Build Environment and Infrastructure:


Thank you for your question, your question relates to power upgrade works to supply a potential future stage of the Biochar Project at the Lysterfield Transfer Station. 

Following detailed investigations, it has been identified that significant unforeseen works would be required to enable the new power supply to move ahead. The power upgrade and electrical supply works have recently been quoted, and unfortunately, they fall well outside the allocated funds.  The power upgrade work is now subject to further review.

If these works to were to proceed due to the long lead time with us and the extent it works it is estimated to take approximately 12 months to complete this information will be discussed with the Yarra Pistol Club. Thanks





Anonymous asked;


Recent publication of Council banning public attendance was covered by National newspapers including an unauthorised photo of my wife and myself supplied by the Council. The accusations by the Mayor that the gallery were Holocaust deniers, antivaxers and agitators casts us in this light and we suffer personally as a result. We require an immediate apology and Council to contact Newspapers and confirm we were there to legitimately question concerns re Saturation of population and Wildfire safety.



Andrew Hilson, Director Corporate Services:


Thank you for your comments, we can confirm that Council has not provided any photos relating to Council meeting to any media outlets including the photo included in The Age article you have referenced.






Martin Dieleman of Lilydale asked;


Prior to closing the gallery council, removed refreshments, placed tables between the community and councillors, hired security guards and banned questions about 20-minute cities and the UN.

These actions together with closing the gallery and new rules that require photo ID and limit the number of ratepayers able to attend meetings, are seen by many in the community as human rights abuse and bullying behaviour.

Do all the councillors support this behaviour?


Andrew Hilson, Director Corporate Services:


Thank you for your question, Martin.

The management of the public gallery and chamber is the responsibility of the CEO. In making these decisions the CEO has consulted with Councillors. All Councillors have indicated their support of actions that help create a safe and welcoming environment for all community members, Councillors and Council staff; including the registration process and the use of security guards.





Anonymous asked;


Given the rural landscape of the Yarra Ranges, many people experience difficulties with reliable internet.

In August 2021 the then Mayor Fiona McAllister stated the following "Addressing the connectivity issues across Yarra Ranges has been critical for years and needs to be fixed"

Given the council's restrictions on numbers and new rules which include registration and photo ID. How can residents with poor internet participate in council meetings which is part of the democratic process?


Andrew Hilson, Director Corporate Services:


Thank you for your question.

Residents with poor internet access are welcome to register to attend Council’s meeting in person by visiting the Council website or calling the Council customer service line. Residents are also welcome to attend a Council managed Community Link and watch a recorded copy of the Council meeting retrospectively.

If there are residents that experience hardship in accessing the Council meeting either online or in person, they are encouraged to contact the Council customer service team. Thank you



There were no Submissions listed on the Agenda for this meeting.

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