Agenda item

Tree Matter at 3457 Warburton Highway, Warburton



Council has managed a large tree at 3457 Warburton Highway, Warburton for many years. The tree is a large Eucalyptus cypellocarpa (Mountain Grey Gum) and has been cabled due to faults at the base.

A tomography test in 2023 confirmed there was extensive decay at the base and that a crack from the stem union to the ground. The tree has now been cut to 10m.

There has now been a request to cut the remaining tree down to ground level. 

In its current state the tree is considered a moderate risk, which is incompatible with a public carpark without additional risk controls.  An exclusion zone around the tree preventing public access would be required for its risk profile to be reduced to low.

In accordance with Governance Rule 58, Nicole Fisher and Charlette Sterrett spoke in support to the recommendation included in the officer report.

Cr Child moved a motion alternate to that printed in the agenda.

Cr Child formally declared no discernible material or general conflict of interest. He further indicated that his interest is in common with a substantial portion of the local residents and does not exceed any personal or pecuniary interest. This declaration of interest was duly noted and is included in the minutes for transparency.

Moved: Cr Child
Seconded: Cr McAllister

That Council

1.         Subject to obtaining a planning permit, proceed with the complete removal of the tree located in Ottrey's car park at 3457 Warburton Highway, Warburton, to eliminate any associated risks.

2.         Create a vegetated open space in Ottrey’s car park at 3457 Warburton Highway, Warburton which

(a)      Provides full public access.

(b)      Aligns in scale and design intent with the draft Warburton Urban Design Framework.

(c)       Includes replacement tree planting.

3.         Investigates the relocation of suitable parts of the tree to an appropriate location nearby, including creation of a habitat zone.

4.         Works with the community to identify options to honour and acknowledge the tree.

The motion was lost.



Cr Child called for a division.

In Favour: Mayor Child, Cr McAllister and Cr Eastham.

Against: Cr Cox, Cr Fullagar, Cr Heenan and Cr Skelton.

Absent: Cr Todorov and Cr Higgins.



Moved: Cr Cox
Seconded: Cr Fullagar

That Council

1.         Considers the tree at 3457 Warburton Highway, Warburton should be retained, subject to:

(a)      an appropriate zone being established around the tree, with a radius equal to the height of the tree, to preclude public access,

(b)      an annual inspection program by a qualified arborist, and

(c)       undertaking any maintenance works to maintain a low risk profile.

2.         Refer consideration of formalising Ottrey’s car park and associated amenity planting to the Warburton Urban Design Framework, and if supported, to future budgets for funding.

The motion was Carried.

Cr Child called for a division.

In Favour: Cr Heenan Cr Cox, Cr Skelton and Cr Fullagar.

Against: Mayor Child, Cr McAllister and Cr Eastham.

Absent: Cr Todorov and Cr Higgins.

Moved: Cr Child
Seconded: Cr Heenan

That, in accordance with Rule 21 of the Governance Rules, the meeting be extended by 30 minutes to 10.30pm.

The motion was Carried unanimously.


Supporting documents: