In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.
In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.
Tony Stevenson of Montroseasked;
One question in two parts:
A) Please break down the significant expenditure for the tree at 3457 Warburton Highway, Warburton for period 1 Jan - 30 June 2023 into the following two categories
1/ Tree safety work - including arborist reports and tree surgery to reduce risk to public
2/ All other costs incurred
B) As this significant expenditure, for a single tree in a single town, please explain why the ~98% of ratepayers who don't live in Warburton will be bearing most of the cost?
Hjalmar Philipp, Director Built Environment and Infrastructure:
Thank you for your question Tony.
The total expenditure was $477, 586, with a breakdown as follows:
Tree work- $76,495
Security chain and padlocks $5,091
Traffic Management- $4,000
Fencing- $12,000
Security- $380,000
All these costs relate to reasonable measures as required as part of Council’s obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic) to address the known and very serious risk arising from the Warburton Tree.
All these costs were significantly increased as a result of the delays to undertake the necessary safety work.
An insurance claim is being pursued in relation to these costs.
Cost associated with the Warburton tree were not forecast in the 2022/23 operational budgets and, therefore, came out Council's consolidated budget which isn’t built on a geographic basis.
Tracey Martens of MontroseMonbulk;
YRSC previously stated on 13/6 that FOGO was a Victorian Government requirement and there is no opt out option of the FOGO bin. On page 26 of the Victorian Government Recycling document, it states that the 4 bin system may not be suitable in all areas, in particular for people who already compost or have worm farms. Please advise why this council is being unreasonable and not working with residents to achieve an outcome that is beneficial for all households?
Kath McClusky, Director Planning and Sustainable Futures:
Thank you for your question Tracey.
The new Circular Economy Act 2021, Part 5 states “A council must provide municipal food organics and garden organics service to land in its municipal district that is used primarily for residential purposes.”
Your reference to page 26 of The Recycling Victoria - A New Economy Policy relates specifically to dwelling types such as large apartment buildings or more remote areas and is not a general statement for all properties that have home composting or a worm farm.
The majority of the costs for Council to provide the FOGO service is attributed to trucks, fuel and labour. There are no cost benefits or savings to Council for opt out services as the major operating costs remain the same because trucks still need to travel past the property. Council has taken the position that this will be a municipal wide service, noting that a reduction in people using the service will increase the cost for those using the service.
Safe Crossing - Bell Street and Armstrong Grove, Yarra Glen
April Shortis provided Councillors with an update on the pedestrian and traffic situation at the corner of Bell Street and Armstrong Grove, Yarra Glen.
April Shortis noted a petition would be submitted for consideration at a future Council Meeting.
Naming of the Coldstream Sports Pavilion
Peter Steele requested that Council consider the renaming of the Coldstream Sports Pavilion, Coldstream to the Skate Family Pavilion.
Peter Steele noted a petition has been submitted for consideration at a future Council Meeting.
The Mayor referred the matter to the Director Built Environment and Infrastructure for further investigation.
Supporting documents: