The application is for the building and works to construct a telecommunications monopole tower, ancillary equipment, and the construction of a fence around the tower and ancillary equipment. No vegetation is proposed to be impacted or removed.
The use of the land for a telecommunications facility is allowed by the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme and does not require a planning permit.
The existing telecommunications facility on the site is a facility installed on a three-metre extension on the rooftop of the Chirnside Park Country Club building in the form of a slimline chimney. The facility and extension will be decommissioned and removed as part of the proposal.
The application was advertised, with sixteen (16) objections and eight (8) letters of support received. The objections raised concerns about visual impact, the proximity to residential properties and other sensitive land uses, health effects and impacts from construction.
The proposal has been assessed against the relevant provisions of the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme and the Yarra Ranges Council Telecommunications Facilities Policy (2012). It is consistent with the planning scheme and policy as they relate to the consideration of telecommunications infrastructure, visual amenity, protection of native vegetation, and the siting of the facility within the site, balanced with the need to ensure telecommunications service expectations is met for the broader community.
The proposal is generally in accordance with the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme, and the development and use can be appropriately managed, subject to conditions. Accordingly, it is recommended that the planning permit application be approved and a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit, subject to conditions, be issued.
The Mayor called for the meeting to be adjourned at 8.01pm to resolve technical issues with videoconferencing.
The meeting resumed at 8.06pm with all Councillors present.
In accordance with Governance Rule 58, Marc Bays, on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the recommendation included in the officer report.
Moved: Cr Cox That Council resolve to approve planning permit YR-2023/303 for Building and works to construct atelecommunication facility, ancillary equipment and fence at 68 Kingswood Drive Chirnside Park and issue a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit subject to the conditions in Attachment 1 to the report. The motion was Carried. |
Cr Heenan called for a division.
In Favour: Cr Child, Cr McAllister, Cr Fullagar, Cr Cox, Mayor Todorov, Cr Eastham and Cr Skelton
Against: Cr Heenan
Absent: Cr Higgins
Supporting documents: