Agenda item

YR-2023/636 – 8 Meadow Fair Way, Chirnside Park - Planning Report



The application is for the building and works to construct a telecommunications facility (monopole), ancillary equipment, construction of a fence around the tower within a ten-by-ten metre envelope and ancillary equipment. The overall height of the facility (including antennas and equipment) is set at 38 metres above ground level.

A total of four trees are proposed for removal out of which only one tree requires planning permit permission.

The use of the land for a telecommunications facility is allowed by the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme and does not require a planning permit.

The applicant advises that the proposed facility at 8 Meadow Fair Way, Chirnside Park will work in conjunction with their recently approved facility at 275 Edward Road, Chirnside Park (YR-2023/32) to effectively service the local area, located approximately 1000 metre north from the subject site.

These two facilities are designed and intended to work together and will not function separately. The tower will support both Vodafone and Optus infrastructure. The property is a small rural allotment with an area of approximately 2.04 hectares and contains few rows of planted vegetation and some scattered vegetation throughout the site.

The eastern and western boundaries of the site contain a dense screen of planted vegetation, and apart from an old shed, does not contain any other buildings or notable infrastructure onsite. The existing access to the site is informal, located on the southwest corner of the lot. The access to the site will be upgraded as part of this application.

The application was advertised, and thirty-seven (37) objections were received. The objections raised concerns about visual amenity, inappropriate in Green Wedge A Zone and rural landscape, health and safety impact, impact on vegetation, elevated emissions, devaluation of property, impact on wildlife due to noise, proximity to residential properties, insufficient and ineffective advertising notification/period, and as to why the development location was chosen.

The proposal has been assessed against the relevant provisions of the Planning Scheme and the Yarra Ranges Council Telecommunications Facilities Policy (2012). It is consistent with the Scheme and policy. It is recommended that the application be approved and a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit, subject to conditions, be issued.

In accordance with Governance Rule 58, Geoff Snow spoke in objection to the recommendation included in the officer report.

In accordance with Governance Rule 58, Matt Evans, on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the recommendation included in the officer report.

Cr Higgins moved a motion alternate to that printed in the agenda.

In accordance with Governance Rule 29.1, Cr Higgins, Cr Heenan, Cr Fullagar, Cr Cox, Cr Todorov, Cr McAllister and Cr Child spoke to the Motion.

Moved: Cr Higgins
Seconded: Cr Heenan

That Council resolve to refuse Planning Application YR-2023/636 for Building and works to construct a telecommunications facility (monopole) and associated vegetation removal and trimming at 8 Meadow Fair Way, Chirnside Park and issue a Refusal on the following grounds.

1.         The proposal imposes an unreasonable level of material detriment to the adjoining properties. 

2.         The proposal fails to achieve relevant objectives of Clause 52.19 Telecommunication Facility of the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme in providing an appropriate co-location for the facility to minimise amenity impact to the area and adjoining properties.

3.         The proposal has not demonstrated that it is consistent with proper and orderly planning due to its location in a visually prominent location.

4.         The proposal does not demonstrate compliance with the objectives of the Significant Landscape Overlay – Schedule 6 and further fails to ensure views of the mid-range rolling hills silhouetted across the horizon as a backdrop to longer distance views are maintained. 

The motion was Carried unanimously.


In Favour:   Cr Heenan, Cr Higgins, Cr Todorov, Cr Child, Cr McAllister,
Cr Fullagar and Cr Cox.

Against:       Nil


The Mayor paused the meeting at 8:48pm while the Gallery exited and resumed the meeting at 8:51pm with all Councillors present.



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