Agenda item

YR-2022/915 - 375 Swansea Rd, Lilydale - Planning Report



The application proposes the use of the land and buildings and works for a Residential Village, earthworks, vegetation removal and alteration of access to a road in Transport Zone 2.

The development is confined to the eastern half of the site and includes fifty (50) dwellings and a clubhouse for retirees and/or residents aged over fifty-five (55) years of age. The design response integrates and responds to the constraints of the site and surrounds, including environmental features and hazards.

The application has been advertised and at the time of this report sixty-three (63) objections have been received. Objector concerns relate primarily to environmental impacts to Olinda Creek, flora, fauna and habitat, vehicle access, the scale of the built form and flooding risks.

Overall, the proposed development responds to the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme when assessed against the relevant policies including the Municipal Planning Strategy, Planning Policy Framework, Zone, Overlay and particular provisions of the Scheme.

It is recommended the application be approved and a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit, subject to conditions, be issued.

In accordance with Governance Rule 58, Kim-maree spoke in objection of the recommendation included in the officer report.

In accordance with Governance Rule 58, Lloyd Elliott, on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the recommendation included in the officer report.

In accordance with Governance Rule 29.1, Cr Heenan, Cr Cox and Cr Child spoke to the Motion.

Moved: Cr Heenan
Seconded: Cr Child

That Council resolve to approve Planning Application YR-2022/915 for the use of land and buildings and works to construct a Residential Village, earthworks, vegetation removal and alteration of access to a road in Transport Zone 2 at 375 Swansea Road, Lilydale and issue a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit subject to the conditions in Attachment 1 to the report.

The motion was Carried.

In Favour:   Cr Heenan, Cr Eastham, Cr Higgins, Cr Todorov, Cr Child,
Cr McAllister and Cr Fullagar.

Against:       Cr Cox



Cr Heenan called for a division.

In Favour: Cr Child, Cr McAllister, Cr Fullagar, Cr Todorov, Cr Heenan, Cr Eastham and Cr Higgins

Against: Cr Cox

Absent: Cr Skelton





Supporting documents: