Agenda item


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.






Michelle de Lima of Lilydale asked;

From the period of October 2020 to May 2024, how much money has the Yarra Ranges Council given, either through funding, donation or grants to Lilydale Township Action Group? Please detail the method of donation, the amount and the purpose of the funds for each amount either donated, grant or gifted.

Please also advise the names of any Councillors or Council Executive who have either disclosed a perceived, actual or potential conflict of interest associated with Lilydale Township Action Group.

I want know how independent Lilydale Township Action Group is to Yarra Ranges Council.


Leanne Hurst, Director Communities

Thank you for your question, Michelle. 

All council grant programs have strong governance processes to ensure decisions are based on the strengths of applications and how well they meet the grant funding criteria.

In the Small Grants category, two officers assess each application, and these are then reviewed and approved by a relevant Manager. These officers are not members of the Council’s Executive Leadership Team. The annual Grants for Community program applications are assessed by a panel that includes community members and a Council officer. After individual assessments, panels come together to develop final recommendations for the Council to review and consider. Councillors are not part of the panel assessment process.

From the period of October 2020 to May 2024 the Lilydale Town Action Group secured funding through two of Council’s grant programs.   

Under the Grants for Community Program, they have secured.  

·                $10,000 in 2024 for the Lilydale Street Fair.

·                $4,500 in 2023 for the Fun and Films in the Park.  

·                $4,000 in 2021 for the Celebrating Resilience of Lilydale   

Under the Small Grants Program, they have secured $500 for the Lilydale Community Christmas Decorations Project in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.

In total, the Lilydale Ton Action Group have received $20,500 from Council grant programs throughout this period.





Sebastian Quezada Rojas of Kilsyth asked;

What is the estimated timeline for the ongoing waste policy review? This is so that residents can organise their submissions and petitions accordingly and have a clear deadline in mind. If there is no timeline for this waste policy review currently in place, is there an estimated month or date where the formal timeline for the review will be announced?


Hjalmar Philipp, Director Planning and Sustainable Futures

Thank you for your question, Sebastian.

Council resolved to undertake an informal review of the Resource Recovery and Waste Services policy at six months post implementation.  The change in kerbside waste services under that Policy went live in October 2023, with end March 2024 being the 6-month mark.   

Since the end of March, data to inform the review has been collected, which includes a range of metrics including, community feedback, physical bin audits and projected environmental impacts, such as land fill diversion. It is planned that the review report will be shared with Councillors in June, where next steps will be considered, noting that the Policy has a formal review cycle of 2 years and any material change to the Policy requires a resolution of Council.






There were no Submissions listed on the Agenda for this meeting.

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