Agenda item

YR-2023/594 - 443 Maroondah Highway (9 Janson Place) Lilydale - Planning Report



The planning application seeks approval to construct eleven (11) dwellings at 443 Maroondah Highway (9 Janson Place), Lilydale.

The development includes eleven (11) dwellings, and the design response integrates and responds to the constraints of the site and surrounds, including environmental features and hazards. The design respects the existing and developing neighbourhood character, and provides a variety of two-, three- and four-bedroom dwellings in close proximity to Lilydale Activity Centre. 

The application was advertised, and a total of three (3) objections have been received. The main grounds of objection are related to car parking, both on the site and within the surrounding street network, safety accessing the site from Maroondah Highway, potential flooding of properties to the north, and removal of trees along the northern boundary.

An assessment of the application against the requirements of the Residential Growth Zone, Design and Development Overlay (DDO7), Land Subject to Inundation Overlay, Clause 55 Rescode and the planning policies has found that the application meets the required standards and is a suitable planning outcome. It is therefore recommended that the application be approved, and a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit be issued subject to conditions.

In accordance with Governance Rule 29.1, Cr Heenan and Cr Child spoke to the Motion.

Moved: Cr Heenan
Seconded: Cr Child

That Council resolve to approve Planning Application YR-2023/594 for Buildings and works to construct eleven (11) dwellings at 443 Maroondah Highway (9 Janson Place), Lilydale and issue a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit subject to the conditions in Attachment 1 to this report. 

The motion was Carried unanimously.

In Favour:   Cr Heenan, Cr Eastham, Cr Higgins, Cr Skelton, Cr Todorov,
Cr Child, Cr McAllister,and Cr Cox.

Against:       Nil


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