Agenda item


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.



Question 1


Anonymous of Warburton asked;


What does it cost to run, create access to and maintain the Warburton Waterworld per year including any other incidentals?


Hjalmar Phillip, Director Built Environment and Infrastructure.


Thank you for your question:


In total, the annual operating costs for the ongoing management of the Warburton Water World is approximately $91,500.


The operating costs including water supply, water testing and treatment, chemical supply and electricity are approximately $75,000 per year.


The Water Worlds play space is maintained by Council’s Parks team in line with all other Council play spaces. Other operating costs include $7,500 per year to lease the overflow car parking area and $6000 to operate the gates at the Redwood Centre.


At peak times, there can be other costs where additional support such as traffic management and increased litter collection and toilet cleaning is required. These are dependent on weather and visitation, so the costs vary year to year.


Where these are all required on the same day the cost is approximately $3,000










Question 2


Mike Hulks of Healesville asked;


Clause 4.3 Regulation of Trading, of The Yarra Ranges Shire Council’s Neighbourhood Amenity Local Law 2020 is in breach of the Federal Competition and Consumer Act 2010.

When will Clause 4.3 Regulation of Trading, of The Yarra Ranges Shire Council’s Neighbourhood Amenity Local Law 2020 be repealed.


Leanne Hurst, Director Communities.


Thank you for your question, Mike.


Thank you for bringing to the Council’s attention your concerns regarding legalities of the Neighbourhood Amenities Local Laws. We do not agree with your assertion that the Local Law contravenes the Federal Competition and Consumer Act. The Neighbourhood Amenity Local Laws are produced under the authority of the Local Government Act and as such are held to overarching governance principals that include the promotion of economic, social and environmental sustainability in the municipality.


In your submitted supportive information you raised a number of issues relating to your specific circumstances, A formal response is also being prepared that addresses your concerns in detail, including your avenues for appeal should you wish to formally dispute compliance actions.

Due to your interest, we would also welcome your participation in the Footpath and Roadside Trading Policy Review that is currently occurring. Your inputs in community meetings and focus groups will help shape the policy and future direction of associated local laws







Ray Lister of Kallista asked;


Could you please confirm what percentage of YRC local roads are unsealed, I have seen differing figures from 60% to 65%.

What is the total number of unsealed roads, including those under construction now, completed under the Roads for Community Funding, noting not one road in Kallista was sealed under that funding.

Thank you


Hjalmar Phillip, Director Built Environment and Infrastructure.


Thank you for your question, Ray


Council’s road network is 1,772 km long. A significant portion of the network, 715 km, or 40%, is unsealed.

Furthermore, there is currently, 10.5 kilometre of unsealed roads under construction as part of the now discontinued Federal Governments Roads for Community Program.


Under this Program Council will have sealed 31.75 kms of unsealed roads since 2019 plus an additional 5.5 km from Special Charge Scheme Landowner Petitions which did not form part of Federal Program.


I can also confirm that under the Federal Governments Roads for Community Program. Council was scheduled to deliver 22 Roads within Kallista, however, following the funding cut from the Federal Government none have been delivered.


Animal Complaint in Warburton

The submitter withdrew the submission prior to the meeting.


Dangerous Tree in Monbulk

The submitter withdrew the submission prior to the meeting.

Supporting documents: