Agenda item


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.




Ray Lister of Kallista asked;


In 2022 the Yarra Ranges Council announced that the Roads for Community funding for unsealed roads had been withdrawn by the Australian Federal Government.

Yarra Ranges Council residents and ratepayers are very aware of this outcome. We all know the funding has been revoked. So why does the Council when asked about unsealed roads or any matters pertaining to them feel compelled to again remind us that the Roads for the Community Funding was withdrawn?



Hjalmar Philipp, Director Built Environment & Infrastructure.

Thank you for your question, Ray.

I acknowledge that you are aware of the funding being withdrawn.

While residents, such as yourself, who have had direct communication with Council on specific roads would be aware of the funding withdrawal. Not all residents are aware of these changes and the change in federal government position that has impacted their neighbourhoods. In some instances, these community members road will not be sealed without federal grants and support.  We have had community feedback that context and background help in explaining the actions and decisions of Council.

In many of the Roads for Community Funding project designs, other infrastructure upgrades were incorporated, such as drainage and footpaths.

This widens the portion of the community affected by the funding withdrawal and requires explanation as priority work lists for this infrastructure has needed to be reassessed and reprogrammed.








Belinda Bernardini of Lilydale asked;


Can council advise what legislation or by-law prohibits crossing supervisors from interacting in a friendly and kind manner with pedestrians and giving "high-fives". Furthermore, can council advise why it panders to minorities who complain about such frivolous and farcical issues, wasting rate payers’ money and council time.


Leanne Hurst, Director Communities.

Thank you for your question, Belinda.

I understand this query relates to a situation involving a school crossing that gathered media attention earlier in the month. I would point you to our website where statements issued by School Crossings Australia and Council provide further information, but specific to the points you raise I will make several remarks.

Council school crossing supervisors are managed under policies set by School Crossings Australia. School Crossings Australia together with School Crossings Victoria does not support any physical contact with children.

On the occasion, Council was responding to a safety complaint that a school crossing supervisor was giving high-fives to children where they to extend their arms out of car windows whilst being driven past.






Ray Lister of Kallista asked;

At the Yarra Ranges Council Meeting on March 26, 2024 – Karen Kestigian advocate for the Kallista Flood Watch Group – Question No: 5 – asked if Kallista was part of the Storm Water Management Plan. Mr Hjalmar Phillip answered “Yes it will ….definitely include Kallista. In the documentation now available on the Storm Water Management Plan, Figure 7-4 Flood Mapping Catchment – Page 233 – Kallista is not shown or mentioned – can you please explain why?


Kathryn Pike of Kallista asked;

In reference to agenda item 10.5 Stormwater Management Plan,

I wish to ask why the township suburb of Kallista 3791 has been excluded from the Mapping process outlined in the Waterway Catchment Prioritisation and Flood Catchment Prioritisation?


Hjalmar Philipp, Director Built Environment & Infrastructure.

Thank you, Kathryn and Ray

The Storwmater Management Plan covers 49 catchments.  These are all displayed in Figure 7.4. Kallista is included in catchment ID 15.

Figure 7.5 shows and example of a detailed catchments maps.  These will be available online for all 49 catchments.

Recognising the importance of understanding flood-prone areas across the municipality, Council has entered into an agreement with Melbourne Water to undertake comprehensive flood mapping for all catchments within the Yarra Ranges.

Specific to Kallista’s stormwater issues, Council has also worked with Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) to complete a catchment analysis to inform the drainage solution for Monbulk Road. Currently, Council Officers are liaising with DTP on the detailed design of the drainage upgrade.




Michelle de Lima of Lilydale asked;

1. Please provide the date of the most recent flood modelling for Yarra Ranges and the name of the flood modelling method used that Yarra Ranges Council is relying upon to make decisions in the 2024-2034 Stormwater Management Plan and Policy.

2. Please provide the date of the most recent flood modelling for Yarra Ranges Council that is using to inform planning application decisions?


Hjalmar Philipp, Director Built Environment & Infrastructure.

Thank you for your question, Michelle.

As both questions are similar in nature, I will answer both at once.

Modelling undertaken by Melbourne Water developed between 2010-2015 was the basis for developing the flood modelling and is the most up-to-date modelling for the region. However, this is only for the Melbourne Water network.

Areas identified as likely to be impacted by flooding from the modelling have been zoned under the Land Subject to Inundation Overlay (LSIO) and Special Building Overlay (SBO) within the Council’s planning scheme. Developments proposed within these overlays must be referred to Melbourne Water for development advice and will require approval in accordance with Melbourne Water’s Guidelines for Development in Flood Prone Areas.

As a key initiative within the Council’s Stormwater Management Plan 2024-2034, Council in partnership with Melbourne Water, will be developing comprehensive flood maps for the entire municipality. This will include both Melbourne Water and Council-managed catchments.

The new flood maps will provide critical information to prepare communities for flood risks:

-           There will be scenario mapping to understand the flood risks at present. This information will be used by VICSES and Council in emergency planning, including Municipal Flood Emergency Management Plans and Local Flood Guides.

-           There will be flood maps prepared for year 2100 scenario, factoring in climate change projections set out in the Australian Rainfall and Runoff Guidelines. This information will be vital for making informed decisions regarding planning applications and flood mitigation projects.

-           Finally, a key initiative proposed for Council’s consideration tonight is the development of a Community Reference Group for stormwater. We anticipate this to be an important way for Council to share and discuss flood modelling as the work with Melbourne Water progresses, given it is such a complex area.




Mooroolbark Umbrella Group (MUG)

Randall Bourchier, President of the Mooroolbark Umbrella Group, provided Council with an update on the work being undertaken by the Mooroolbark Umbrella Group and other community groups in Mooroolbark.

Supporting documents: