Agenda item


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.




Karen Kestigian of Kallista asked;  

Have Gleghorn Road, Emberson Street and Rivington Ave, Kallista been assessed for risk and if so what was the outcome? 


Hjalmar Philipp, Director Built Environment & Infrastructure. 

Thanks very much for the question.

The Gleghorn Road, Emberson Street and Rivington Ave, Kallista were created as part of a sub-division in the 1920’s.  At the time, sealed pavement, drainage, footpaths were not considered. 

These roads and any associate risk is managed in accordance with Council's obligations under the Road Management Act and Road Management Plan.  These local roads are inspected and assessed every 12 months for defects relating to the service levels and the surface condition is inspected as part of the routine grading works. 

Any identified deficits are managed through Council’s ongoing Road Management Plan.  

These three roads were identified to be sealed under the Road for the Community Initiative, however, funding for the project was withdrawn by the Federal Government in 2023.  Council was able to secure funds for design to be completed, whereby the future construction may be considered under a Special Charge Scheme funded by Landowners or be used for advocacy.   

The Department of Transport and Planning (formerly VicRoads) has undertaken its own assessment, and it is investigating options to undertake drainage improvement works along Monbulk Road. 

Council will continue to investigate and look for solutions to improve outcomes, in both the short and long terms. 

Thank you.






Anonymous asked;  

Can Council let the local public, and beyond that will be affected by this project, (Warburton Mountain Bike Destination) know when the public display and exhibition will happen for input and feedback as per the Ministers decision. 


Hjalmar Philipp, Director Built Environment & Infrastructure. 

Thank you for your question.  

In accordance with ministerial direction the trail network was publicly advertised as part of the Environment Effects Statement from 26 November 2021 until Tuesday 25 January 2022 and received planning approval under Planning Scheme Amendment c222yran on 23 November 2023. 

Following this public display and exhibition process approval work on Stage 1 of the trail network has now commenced.  

There are no new plans or trails as part of Stage 1 of the project that trigger further public exhibition under the legislation. 

This project has been one of Council’s most complex project and Council officers are available to provide further information via telephone or in-person if this is of further assistance.  

Thank you





Anonymous asked;  

Given the number of security staff at the Council Meeting, plus the Council Staff and the Councillors out-number the registered gallery attending by 5 to 1 please advise  

1 How much is the security costing,  

2 How much in total so far and,  

3 When will the council stop spending Rate money on this farce? 


Andrew Hilson, Director Corporate Services. 

Thank you to the submitter for this question. 

The presence of security at Council Meetings reflects our commitment to ensuring a safe and secure environment for all attendees.  

To part one of your question. 

We scale the resourcing of security services in line with the number of registered attendees at each Council meeting and the duration of the required security services. Therefore, the exact cost of security services varies between meetings. We are committed to managing these costs responsibly while ensuring that safety is not compromised. 

To part two of the question. 

For the financial year 2023/2024 total security costs incurred were $20,702. 

In response to part three of your question.  

The management of public Council meetings including the decision to allocate funds for security is regularly reviewed. With a focus on sensible financial management, maintaining workplace and community safety, and the management of an orderly Council meeting.    

Thank you.



Joel Supple of Seville East asked;  

When will footpaths promised 2019 for Seville East (Peter’s/Old Warby) for access to bus stops [be completed]? Mud, no wheel chair access, dangerous. 


Hjalmar Philipp, Director Built Environment & Infrastructure. 

Thank you for your question Joel, a few points for response.

In 2019, the Federal Government announced $150 million funding plan for Yarra Ranges Council to seal roads.  

Many roads under this program were proposed to incorporated drainage and footpath improvements.  

Council understands the concerns you are raising unfortunately, in January 2023 received notification that this funding would be cut to $47.7M, which removed over $100M in funding for local roads, drainage and footpaths, including several roads in Seville East. 

Following the Federal funding cuts, Council has recently completed an assessment into the missing footpath links across the municipality. The assessment considered criteria such as safety, proximity to public transport, schools, shops, delivery efficiencies, as well adjacent projects, and external funding opportunities. 

The missing links along Warburton Highway, Stuart Road, Peters Road, Joyce Road and Bridgewater Road have been identified through these assessment and will be considered against all priorities across the municipality in future budgets. 

As a guide, Council’s currently ten-year capital program, which is subject to review by Council each year, has an allocation of almost $14M toward new footpaths across the municipality. This is shown as unallocated project funding from the 2026/2027 financial year. The specific projects and dates are not listed in outer years, they form part of the annual budget process. 

An officer from our infrastructure team will reach out to talk to those roads that you've raised in more specific detail and be happy to discuss further.

Thanks Joel. 




The Birrarung Valley Walk

Ivor Wolstencroft presented to Council regarding The Birrarung Valley Walk and connectivity for disabled community members.

The Mayor referred the matter to the Director Built Environment & Infrastructure for a report to come to a future Council briefing.

Supporting documents: