Agenda item

Stormwater Management Plan Post Consultation



The Stormwater Policy and Stormwater Management Plan 2024-2034 (SWMP) are designed to strategically manage flood risks while protecting and maintaining the natural water cycle and the health of waterways. These documents establish a framework and action plan to guide the Council in planning for future growth and implementing sustainable stormwater management practices within the municipality.

On 11 June 2024, Council resolved to release the draft documents for a six-week community engagement period, which took place from 12 June 2024 to 24 July 2024.

An objection to the Stormwater Management Plan was received at the Council Meeting on 27th August 2024.

The objection centred on two key concerns – that all information, specifically Appendix D and E, was not available on Shaping Yarra Ranges during the engagement period to help inform community input, and that the documents were referencing data from the previous Housing Strategy 2009, with the perception being that the data referenced was outdated. 

In accordance with Council’s Community Engagement Policy 2024-2028, which states ‘participants taking part in community engagement must have access to objective, relevant, and timely information to inform their participation’, all necessary information to facilitate informed community engagement on the SWMP was made available throughout the six-week consultation period.

In relation to the objection that Appendix D and E were not included on the Shaping Yarra Ranges page during the consultation period:

·                Appendix D is a “zoomed in” map of each individual catchment shown as an overall map in the draft SWMP on exhibition.  An example of such a map was also included in the draft report that was available at the Community Drop-In session on 3rd July 2024 where one on one conversations were held with members of the Stormwater Management team and other key stakeholders.

·                Appendix E is a tabulation of the data shown on the Appendix D maps.  An example of such a tabulation was included in the draft report that was on exhibition and available at the Community Drop-In sessions as referenced above.

The prioritisation framework informing the SWMP is needed to help prioritise catchments requiring flood modelling due to the high cost of modelling each individual catchment and the need to spread the modelling work over many years.

The approach to determining prioritisation, key input criteria, and importantly, the results, were contained in the body of the SWMP (in particular Figure 7.4), together with Appendices B and C, and this information was also included on Shaping Yarra Ranges throughout the engagement period.

Objective data, such as housing density and level of imperviousness, was also used to help inform the prioritisation approach.  The Draft Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) was released for public consultation on the same day as the adoption of the Yarra Ranges Housing Strategy 2024. As such, data from the Housing Strategy 2009 was initially referenced within the SWMP, which was consulted with the community. With the Yarra Ranges Housing Strategy 2024 since being adopted by Council, the SWMP has been refreshed to incorporate the latest housing strategy data inputs.

During the development of the SWMP, Council entered into an agreement with Melbourne Water to undertake flood modelling across all catchments over a two year period.   Minor modifications have been made in the SWMP to make this clear.

Notably the prioritisation approach will be updated following the completion of the catchment modelling.

As part of business as usual, Council will continue to investigate localised areas and assess flooding and potential drainage improvement options.  An example of this is Gleghorn Road / Emberson Road/ Monbulk Road, Kallista.

While the SWMP has been designed to ensure ongoing community engagement, in particular, the proposed establishment of a SWMP Community Reference Panel, Council acknowledges that catchment prioritisation and flood modelling can be a complex topic.   

In response to this feedback, an additional action has been added into the plan (SWMP32), which commits to updating the catchment prioritisation following completion of the municipal wide flood modelling, with active participation of the Community Reference Panel to be established under Action 26.

The updated documents are now presented for Council consideration to adopt as final.


In accordance with Governance Rule 58, Karen Kestigian spoke in objection of the recommendation included in the officer report.

In accordance with Governance Rule 29.1, Cr Heenan and Cr Fullagar spoke to the Motion.

Moved: Cr Heenan
Seconded: Cr Fullagar

That Council

1.        Note the community engagement on the draft Stormwater Policy and Stormwater Management Plan 2024-2034.

2.        Adopt the final Stormwater Policy and Stormwater Management Plan 2024-2034.

3.        Write to all submitters to thank them for their engagement and submissions and advise them of the outcome of the Council meeting.

4.        Update the Council website with Stormwater Policy, Stormwater Management Plan 2024-2034, Stormwater Management Plan 2024-2034 Overview document and Engagement Feedback Report.

5.        Note Council’s partnership with Melbourne Water to undertake flood mapping for all the identified catchments over the next two years.

6.        Note the action in the SWMP to establish a Community Reference Panel to provide community input on stormwater projects and studies under the Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP26).

7.        Note the additional action in the SWMP following Council Meeting on 27th August 2024 to update catchment prioritisation following completion of municipal wide flood modelling through active participation with the Community Reference Panel.

The motion was Carried unanimously.

In Favour:   Cr Heenan, Cr Higgins, Cr Eastham, Cr Todorov, Cr Child,
Cr McAllister, Cr Fullagar and Cr Cox.

Against:       Nil

Moved: Todorov
Seconded: Higgins

That, in accordance with Rule 21 of the Governance Rules, the meeting be extended by 30 minutes to 10.30pm.

The motion was Carried unanimously.

In Favour:   Cr Heenan, Cr Higgins, Cr Eastham, Cr Todorov, Cr Child,
Cr McAllister, Cr Fullagar and Cr Cox.

Against:       Nil



Supporting documents: