Agenda item

Councils’ Plaques Policy



Public infrastructure and open space play a significant role in the social and cultural heritage of the Yarra Ranges. The significance these hold for residents and visitors results in many requests for the placement of commemorative plaques and memorials every year.

While Council understands the desire to commemorate individuals in a tangible way in spaces that connect people to their memory, too many plaques and memorials in our open space risks diluting the very essence that draws us to these natural landscapes.

Therefore, as we consider new applications for memorials, we must carefully consider the balance between the desire to commemorate events or individuals and the intended purpose and on-going enjoyment of the unique natural environment of the Yarra Ranges and uncluttered public space.

As a result, the draft Plaques and Memorials Policy has been developed to help guide decision making where requests for plaques and memorials are received by Council.

After feedback from Councillors and the Community following the Council Meeting on 27 August 2024 where a decision on the Policy was deferred, a number of changes have been made to the Policy.

Notably, Council has commenced work on a comprehensive Heritage Strategy which, at this stage is expected to be completed in mid-2025. Any findings from the Heritage Strategy relevant to this document will result in a Policy review and updating. 

Feedback received and changes made are tabulated below.



Proposed Change

25 years of contribution is too constricting and unnecessary


Currently a general consideration not strict criteria.


Additional wording to be more explicit that it is a guide, and ability for the Panel to consider any application has been added.

Policy should recognise broader aspects in Australian history (not just linked to Yarra Ranges)


A Heritage Strategy study currently underway will inform this in more detail.


Make the entire policy subject to update at completion of Heritage Strategy. The ability for the Panel to consider any application has also been added.

2 years after death to consider is too long.


Currently a general consideration not strict criteria.


Reduced to 12 months. Add in some wording highlighting exceptions may be made as determined by Plaques & Memorials Panel.

No memorials for animals




Add in word “generally” to allow for unique circumstances.

Deciding committee should include Communities Directorate representation


Original intent was to include Communities through CEO delegated role


Now included as part of Plaques & Memorials Panel. Also, added in explicit reference to the panel seeking internal and/or external specialist independent advice as relevant

Lack of community consultation


Deemed an operational policyto manage operational request.

The draft policy was developed based on assessment of requests received over a number of years along with significant industry benchmarking.

Community concern around heritage will be addressed through consultation on Heritage Strategy. Policy can be updated accordingly.


Council role in on-going maintenance


Current wording implies no support, or even removal, after 10 years

Remove this reference and note role of Panel in any change.

Impact on memorials proposed by RSLs


RSL reference included in policy scope exclusions.

Council officers are now seeking consideration by Council to approve and adopt the Plaques and Memorials Policy.


In accordance with Governance Rule 58, Sue Thompson spoke in objection of the recommendation included in the officer report.

In accordance with Governance Rule 29.1, Cr Child and Cr Heenan spoke to the Motion.

Cr McAllister moved, and Cr Higgins seconded, an amendment to the recommendation and  sought the agreement of the original mover and seconder to include the wording as follows:

d)        An update to the policy be made to include a Heritage Officer and Indigenous Development Officer as part of the panel.

The mover and seconder did agree to the request.

Moved: Cr Child
Seconded: Cr Heenan

That Council

a)         Note amendments made to the Policy following community feedback.

b)         Endorse the Plaques and Memorials Policy.

c)         Update Plaques and Memorials Policy and any subsequent protocols with findings and feedback from Heritage Strategy upon its endorsement.

d)         An update to the policy be made to include a Heritage Officer and Indigenous Development Officer as part of the panel.

The motion was Carried unanimously.

In Favour:   Cr Heenan, Cr Higgins, Cr Eastham, Cr Todorov, Cr Child,
Cr McAllister, Cr Fullagar and Cr Cox.

Against:       Nil


Supporting documents: