Agenda item


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.



In accordance with Governance Rule 59.10, Sharyn Manning read their Question to Council

Sharyn Manning of Mooroolbark asked;

How many planning applications for the Lilydale Commercial Activity Centre were approved with less than the statutory regulatory car parking requirements in the below listed street areas and what was the total number of reduced car parking spaces in these areas, between the period of 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2024?

·                Clark Street to Hardy Street, Lilydale.

·                Castella Street, Lilydale.

·                Main Street from the train station down to Anderson Street, Lilydale.


Director Planning & Sustainable Futures, Kath McClusky

Thank you for your question, Sharyn.

When planning new developments, the planning scheme specifies the number of car parking spaces the development needs to provide, which is based on the type of development. A developer can apply to waive some or all of the stipulated spaces.

When a developer proposes fewer spaces than the planning scheme requires, they must submit a Car Parking Demand Assessment with their application.

Council then evaluates their assessment against the empirical data it has for each availability, functionality, and safety of the parking availability and demand onsite and existing parking in the surrounding areas. It also considers factors like existing parking demand, the cumulative impact of any waivers that Council has already given, the opportunity for multi-purpose trips, access to public transport, walkability for pedestrians, cycling facilities, and the impact on traffic on the local area, and businesses.

According to our records between 1 January 2024, and 31 December 2024, in the Lilydale area specifically defined in your question, Council has approved one planning permit which included a waiver of one visitor car parking space in a residential unit development.

In addition to that, in early January 2024, VCAT overturned a 2023 Council refusal, to approve a waiver of one visitor car parking space in another residential unit development.

This year, there has also been one decision issued which approved the waiver of five car parking spaces for a retail premises, which will provide three spaces instead of 8.

In all these approvals, the Council has carefully balanced all considerations mentioned to determine whether the reduction in parking spaces was appropriate.


In accordance with Governance Rule 59.10, David Pratt read their Question to Council

David Pratt of Warburton asked;

I have a question that I would like to put to Council regarding an ongoing stormwater issue that has impacting our Caravan Park business, as well as creating a significant road safety hazard — This is an issue that has plagued our Holiday Park for several years.

What is the status of the rectification of the stormwater assets are impacting our Caravan Park?


Director Built Environment and Infrastructure, Hjalmar Philipp

Thank you for your question, David

I want to start by acknowledging the areas subject to inundation and, as discussed over the number of years, the drainage associated with the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) is under their management. Over the last 12 months we have, Council Officers have on numerous occasions raised concerns with DTP regarding the Warburton Highway/Woods Point Road intersection. In recent week Officers, including myself, have further escalated these concerns within DTP in recent weeks.

The swale along the service road falls under Council’s responsibility and ideally this would be considered as integrated solution, and I appreciate there has been recent communication from yourself as well on coordinating a three way meet with ourselves and DTP. We are yet to organise that.

Notwithstanding that, we are happy to meet on site to investigate options, specific for the swale, improvements might be achieved on Council assets in the short term and will be in touch shortly.




There were no Submissions listed on the Agenda for this meeting.


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