Agenda and minutes

Council Meeting - Tuesday, 13th August, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre and via Videoconference. View directions

Contact: Governance 1300 368 333 

Note: 609th 

No. Item




The Major read the following statement:


I'm not sure about everyone here for tonight's meeting, but I, for one, certainly have Olympic jet lag, so I wanted to speak about our local Yarra Ranges athletes who actually competed in the Olympic games and acknowledge their efforts. I'm sure that many of us have also sacrificed quite a bit of sleep over the last 2 weeks, but always for a good cause. Whether we have been watching the Olympics on TV, or sharing stories over coffee, or hearing about our well-earned triumphs and victories.

Australia has performed incredibly well in the overall medal tally, with every morning’s news bringing us stories of new medals, tough competition, and anticipation for finals, as our athletes competed against the best the rest of the world had to offer.

I’m proud to say that we had several athletes at the Olympics who travelled to Paris from Yarra Ranges.

We had Harry Garside, an incredible and impressive boxer, Mooroolbark hurdler, Tayleb Willis, who I am proud to say I used to coach at Yarra Ranges Athletics Club, and we have Lilydale’s Kelland O’Brien, who won gold with his teammates in the Men’s Team Pursuit, defeating Great Britain and setting a new world record, a fabulous achievement. They are the third Australian Men’s Team Pursuit squad to win gold at the Olympics.

Of the tens of thousands of athletes who dream of one day competing on the largest stage, very few make the cut. It was incredible to see the performances, the grace and sportsmanship on display in Paris, and heartening to know that our corner of the world has stellar athletes who call it home.

It’s a reminder for us here at Council and the community of the importance of community sport and groups, that from humble beginnings in Yarra Ranges Athletics, local sports and practice in the Yarra Ranges, people can reach the highest levels in the sporting world.

I hope that all of you can sit in the comfort and glow that, no matter how you performed, you made us all so proud.

Win or lose, the simple act of making it to the Paris Olympics is an achievement you should wear proudly for a lifetime, whether you came home with a medal, new friends, or just a riveting story to tell.

Congratulations to Kelland, Tayleb and Harry, and all the athletes who have performed from across the Yarra Ranges.

We are all so proud of you and wish you all the best for your journey home to the people who have been cheering you on.

Thank you all.





In accordance with Governance Rule 29.1, Cr Todorov spoke to the Motion.

Moved: Cr Todorov
Seconded: Cr Heenan

That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held Tuesday 23 July 2024, as circulated, be confirmed.

The motion was Carried unanimously.

In Favour:   Cr Heenan, Cr Higgins, Cr Skelton, Cr Todorov, Cr Child,
Cr McAllister, Cr Fullagar and Cr Cox.

Against:       Nil




In accordance with Chapter 7, Rule 4, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 7, Rule 4, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


There were no disclosures of conflicts of interest made for this meeting.



In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.




Karen Kestigian of Kallista asked;  

Have Gleghorn Road, Emberson Street and Rivington Ave, Kallista been assessed for risk and if so what was the outcome? 


Hjalmar Philipp, Director Built Environment & Infrastructure. 

Thanks very much for the question.

The Gleghorn Road, Emberson Street and Rivington Ave, Kallista were created as part of a sub-division in the 1920’s.  At the time, sealed pavement, drainage, footpaths were not considered. 

These roads and any associate risk is managed in accordance with Council's obligations under the Road Management Act and Road Management Plan.  These local roads are inspected and assessed every 12 months for defects relating to the service levels and the surface condition is inspected as part of the routine grading works. 

Any identified deficits are managed through Council’s ongoing Road Management Plan.  

These three roads were identified to be sealed under the Road for the Community Initiative, however, funding for the project was withdrawn by the Federal Government in 2023.  Council was able to secure funds for design to be completed, whereby the future construction may be considered under a Special Charge Scheme funded by Landowners or be used for advocacy.   

The Department of Transport and Planning (formerly VicRoads) has undertaken its own assessment, and it is investigating options to undertake drainage improvement works along Monbulk Road. 

Council will continue to investigate and look for solutions to improve outcomes, in both the short and long terms. 

Thank you.






Anonymous asked;  

Can Council let the local public, and beyond that will be affected by this project, (Warburton Mountain Bike Destination) know when the public display and exhibition will happen for input and feedback as per the Ministers decision. 


Hjalmar Philipp, Director Built Environment & Infrastructure. 

Thank you for your question.  

In accordance with ministerial direction the trail network was publicly advertised as part of the Environment Effects Statement from 26 November 2021 until Tuesday 25 January 2022 and received planning approval under Planning Scheme Amendment c222yran on 23 November 2023. 

Following this public display and exhibition process approval work on Stage 1 of the trail network has now commenced.  

There are no new plans or trails as part of Stage 1 of the project that trigger further public exhibition under the legislation. 

This project has been one of Council’s most complex project and Council officers are available to provide further information via telephone or in-person if this is of further assistance.  

Thank you





Anonymous asked;  

Given the number of security staff at the Council Meeting, plus the Council Staff and the Councillors out-number the registered gallery attending by 5 to 1 please advise  

1 How much is the security costing,  

2 How much in total so far and,  

3 When will the council stop spending Rate money on this farce? 


Andrew Hilson, Director Corporate Services. 

Thank you to the submitter for this question. 

The presence  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


PETITIONS pdf icon PDF 75 KB

In accordance with Chapter 3, Rule 60, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rule 60, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


There were no Petitions received for this meeting.





Amendment C218 - Lilydale Structure Plan - Request for Authorisation to Commence Exhibition pdf icon PDF 303 KB

Additional documents:



Amendment C218 proposes to implement the recommendations of the Lilydale Major Activity Centre Structure Plan, 2022 that was adopted by Council on 9th August 2022, and the Yarra Ranges Neighbourhood Character Study (Hansen, 2024) adopted by Council on 11th June 2024.

The Structure Plan provides a framework to guide the future land use, development, urban design, vehicle and pedestrian movement and capital works in the Lilydale town centre and surrounding residential areas.

The Structure Plan incorporates a number of actions that will be implemented across multiple Council departments. Amendment C218 will implement the  actions requiring changes to the planning scheme that includes the application of an Activity Centre Zone to the town centre and some well located residential land, rezoning of suburban areas currently zoned Residential Growth Zone to a General Residential Zone for improved neighbourhood character outcomes, and application of an Environmental Audit Overlay to some sites where proposed rezonings will allow residential land uses for the first time.

In order to commence the amendment process, Council must seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare and exhibit the amendment.

In accordance with Governance Rule 29.1, Cr Heenan, Cr Todorov and Cr Fullagar spoke to the Motion.

Cr Child left the meeting at 7.38pm and returned to the meeting at 7.39pm prior to a vote being taken.

Moved: Cr Heenan
Seconded: Cr Todorov

That Council

1.         In accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, request the Minister for Planning to authorise the preparation of Amendment C218 to the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme that proposes to make changes generally in accordance with the attachments.

2.         Subject to the Minister’s Authorisation, publicly exhibit Amendment C218 to the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme.

The motion was Carried unanimously.

In Favour:   Cr Heenan, Cr Higgins, Cr Skelton, Cr Todorov, Cr Child,
Cr McAllister, Cr Fullagar and Cr Cox.

Against:       Nil





The Yarra Ranges Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan pdf icon PDF 158 KB

Additional documents:



This report presents Council with the Yarra Ranges Council Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan August 2024 – August 2026 (RAP).

At the time of writing, the content and actions of the RAP have been finalised, with minor edits regarding formatting waiting final approval from Reconciliation Australia (RA).

The minor nature of the formatting issue is not regarded as a barrier in seeking formal Council endorsement, therefore it is recommended that Council formally endorse the Yarra Ranges Council Innovate Action Plan August 2024 – 2026.

In accordance with Governance Rule 58, Lea Jones spoke in support of the recommendation included in the officer report.

In accordance with Governance Rule 29.1, Cr Todorov, Cr McAllister,
Cr Skelton, Cr Cox and Cr Child spoke to the Motion.

Moved: Cr Todorov
Seconded: Cr McAllister

That Council formally endorse the Yarra Ranges Council Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan August 2024 - August 2026.

The motion was Carried unanimously.

In Favour:   Cr Heenan, Cr Higgins, Cr Skelton, Cr Todorov, Cr Child,
Cr McAllister, Cr Fullagar and Cr Cox.

Against:       Nil


Risk Appetite Endorsement pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Additional documents:



Over the last twelve months Council officers have undertaken a process to develop a suitable risk appetite for Council. The result of this process has been the proposed inclusion of a risk appetite statement within Council’s existing Risk Management Framework (RMF). The proposed risk appetite within Council’s RMF is a crucial governance tool being presented for Council consideration. 

A ’Risk Appetite’ articulates the level of risk Council is willing to accept in pursuing its strategic objectives. It provides essential guidance for decision-making across all levels of the organisation. 

The proposed risk appetite is the result of extensive consultation and testing, including with external parties, organisational leaders, the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and Council’s Audit and Risk Management Committee (ARMC). 

The RMF sets clear parameters for risk-based decision-making, ensuring strategic alignment, accountability, consistency, and transparency in Council's approach to risk management. It supports staff and Councillors to make informed decisions within defined risk boundaries, which leads to more efficient and effective service delivery.

Cr Heenan left the meeting at 8.13pm and returned to the meeting at 8.15pm prior to a vote being taken.

In accordance with Governance Rule 29.1, Cr Fullagar, Cr McAllister and
Cr Skelton spoke to the Motion.

Moved: Cr Fullagar
Seconded: Cr McAllister

That Council endorse the updated Risk Management Framework 2024 with the inclusion of a Risk Appetite statement.

The motion was Carried unanimously.

In Favour:   Cr Heenan, Cr Higgins, Cr Skelton, Cr Todorov, Cr Child,
Cr McAllister, Cr Fullagar and Cr Cox.

Against:       Nil



Robert and Black Street, Lilydale plus Adrienne and Maxwell Court, Millgrove - Special Charge Scheme pdf icon PDF 139 KB

Additional documents:



This report presents to Council for approval the Final Cost of Works for the following Special Charge Schemes:

·                Robert Street and Black Street, Lilydale

·                Adrienne Court and Maxwell Court, Millgrove – Road Improvement Works.

In accordance with Governance Rule 29.1, Cr Child and Cr Skelton spoke to the Motion.

Moved: Cr Child
Seconded: Cr Skelton


1.         Council approve the Final Cost of Works (Attachment 1) associated with the Robert Street and Black Street, Lilydale Special Charge Scheme with a variation (small reduction) in the landowner apportionment charges outlined in Attachment 2.

2.         Council approve the Final Cost of Works (Attachment 3) associated with the Adrienne Court and Maxwell Court, Millgrove with no variation in the landowner apportionment charges.

3.         Landowners included in the Special Charge Schemes be advised of the result of the final costing of their scheme and payments adjusted for the Robert Street and Black Street, Lilydale Scheme.

The motion was Carried unanimously.

In Favour:   Cr Heenan, Cr Higgins, Cr Skelton, Cr Todorov, Cr Child,
Cr McAllister, Cr Fullagar and Cr Cox.

Against:       Nil



Draft Parking Management Framework pdf icon PDF 176 KB

Additional documents:



Traffic and parking congestion is becoming an increasing issue in some areas of the municipality. In the past, the introduction of time limited restrictions has been able to deliver the level of control necessary to meet the needs of the community. However, with increases in population growth, tourist visitation and economic development, there is a need to create a Parking Management Framework to guide the implementation of various parking restrictions and supporting technology to best manage the parking across the municipality.

The Draft Parking Management Framework has been developed with a vision to community facilities while protecting the natural environment and unique character of its towns and villages. The Framework outlines all relevant information which would be required when making decisions about parking. These include:

·                Hierarchy controls detailing different types of infrastructure which could be considered for parking control management.

·                Hierarchy of Parking Allocation to inform the priority given to different user groups for parking when considering the implementation of parking restrictions.

·                How parking investigations are undertaken and decisions are made.

·                Implementation of Digital Parking Solutions and Paid Parking Schemes.

·                Types of different parking zones and available parking permits based on land use and user requirements.

·                How and why enforcement is undertaken.

When the need for parking is balanced effectively with other transport options, residents, workers and tourists will continue to be able to access the various areas of Yarra Ranges Council and enjoy the variety of townships and environmental elements that makes this area so unique.

In accordance with Governance Rule 29.1, Cr Fullagar, Cr Higgins,
Cr McAllister and Cr Todorov spoke to the Motion.

Moved: Cr Fullagar
Seconded: Cr Higgins

That Council

1.         Support the Draft Parking Management Framework to be placed on public exhibition between 14 August 2024 and 8 September 2024.

2.         Note that findings from the community feedback and proposed amendments to the Draft Parking Management Framework will be presented at a future Council Meeting.

The motion was Carried unanimously.

In Favour:   Cr Heenan, Cr Higgins, Cr Skelton, Cr Todorov, Cr Child,
Cr McAllister, Cr Fullagar and Cr Cox.

Against:       Nil





In accordance with Chapter 3, Division 4, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Division 4, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


There were no Councillor motions listed on the agenda for this meeting.





12.1    Lilydale Township Action Group

Cr Heenan attended, along with Cr Todorov, the Lilydale Township Action Group and spoke of the recent flooding that occurred on 7 August 2024 in Lilydale. Cr Heenan spoke about the community experiences during the flooding event on 16 July 2024 and spoke of the impact on Hutchison Street and John Street in Lilydale, and his concern of future flooding events. Cr Heenan enquired if further consultation could be undertaken with the Department of Transport and Planning.






Cr Skelton

-           Attended the Sustainable Environment Advisory Committee meeting held at the Yarra Ranges Council Civic Centre on 1 August 2024.  The meeting was also attended by Cr Fullagar.


Cr Fullagar

-           Attended the Your Library Audit and Risk Advisory Committee meeting held at the Your Library Administration Office, Scoresby on 9 August 2024.


Cr Todorov

-           Attended the Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee meeting held at Yarra Ranges Council Civic Centre on 25 July 2024. The meeting was also attended by Cr Fullagar.


Cr Child

-           Attended the 40th Anniversary of the Mooroolbark Library meeting held at Mooroolbark Library on 25 July 2024. The 40th Anniversary was also attended by Cr Fullagar and Cr Todorov.


Cr McAllister

-           Attended the 40th Anniversary of the Healesville Historical Society meeting held at Badger Creek Hall, Badger Creek on 28 July 2024.





In accordance with Clause 87 of the Meeting Procedures and Use of Common Seal Local Law 2015, as prescribed by Section 14(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Clause 87 of the Meeting Procedures and Use of Common Seal Local Law 2015, as prescribed by Section 14(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 2020.


There were no Documents for Signing and Sealing received for this meeting.



Additional documents:



Moved: Cr Heenan
Seconded: Cr Todorov

That the records of the Informal Meetings of Councillors, copies of which are attached to the report, be received and noted.

The motion was Carried unanimously.

In Favour:   Cr Heenan, Cr Higgins, Cr Skelton, Cr Todorov, Cr Child,
Cr McAllister, Cr Fullagar and Cr Cox.

Against:       Nil





In accordance with Chapter 3 Rule 24 of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.




In accordance with section 66(2)(a) of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with section 66(2)(a) of the Local Government Act 2020.


There were no Confidential Items listed on the agenda for this meeting.




Additional documents: