Agenda and minutes

Council Meeting - Tuesday, 14th June, 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, 15 Anderson Street, Lilydale

Contact: Governance 1300 368 333 

No. Item






The Mayor acknowledged the anniversary of the June Storm event in 2021 which caused an unprecedented amount of damage in the Yarra Ranges. He then reaffirmed that Council are here to support the community as the recovery process continues.




Moved: Cr Mc Allister


Seconded: Cr Heenan


That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held 24 May 2022, as circulated, be confirmed.


The motion was Carried.




In accordance with Chapter 7, Rule 4, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 7, Rule 4, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


Cr Skelton declared a material conflict of interest in Item 10.4, CT6788 Road Maintenance and Street Sweeping Award of Tender, as she has a family member who works for Downer.



In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rules 57 and 59, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


There were no Submissions from the Public registered for this meeting.


Questions to Council


Anonymous, resident of Mooroolbark, asked:


The Yarra Ranges Civic Centre redevelopment is now finished and open to the public. What has the council done to offset the carbon emissions caused by the construction works and if the council has, what cost has this come in at?


Mark Varmalis, Director Environment & Infrastructure responded:


Thank you to the resident for your question,


In developing the design for the redevelopment of the Council’s Civic Centre, Council was mindful of the design being developed to minimise the impact of carbon emissions.


Aspects included in the building design included:


·         A 99KW solar panel system designed to enable a surplus of renewable electricity supply in summer which will offset winter usage. Council has also recently received federal government funding to install batteries within the building, offsetting any night time use and enabling the facility to be active in an emergency. The cost of installing a 99kw system is around $150,000.   These measures will save around $5,000 per month when compared to previous Council office usage.


·         The building is designed to maximise orientation to allow for natural light, minimising the need for artificial lighting. All lighting is LED, low energy usage.


·         There are rainwater tanks beneath the buildings that will reduce the potable water consumption by 80%.


·         During construction almost 90% of the demolition materials was diverted from landfill through reuse and recycling.


Council has also recently renewed its energy contract to participate along with 47 other councils in a Power Purchasing Agreement for the supply of renewable energy for power used by street lighting and Council facilities, saving over $300.000 per annum.  Any power not able to be met through the Civic Centre solar and battery system will be sourced with a renewable supply.


Mr Raymond Shaw, Resident of Lilydale, asked:


Can Council please investigate a traffic issue that is blocking entry into the Mt Evelyn Men’s Shed facility?  


Usual Access to Men's Shed in Mt Evelyn has signage to say Don't Enter - the school is blocking access of car park as they are "using" - ie: have taken over/possession of that space.


Jane Price, Director Communities responded:


Thank you for your question, Mrs Shaw,


The Mt Evelyn Campus of the Cire Community School is located at 20 Hereford Rd, Mt Evelyn. The facility and surrounding land is leased to Cire by Yarra Ranges Council. The Mt Evelyn Men’s Shed is also located on the site. The Men’s Shed have an agreement with Cire for the use of their facility and co-located car parking.


To ensure safety of children using the area, twelve to eighteen months ago Cire installed fixed signage at the back of the Men’s Shed to stop cars driving through from one side of the school to the other, as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


PETITIONS pdf icon PDF 100 KB

In accordance with Chapter 3, Rule 60, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.

Additional documents:


In accordance with Chapter 3, Rule 60, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.




The following petitions have been received:


PART A – General Petitions


1.    Road Maintenance. Residents would like Council to investigate the costs associated with sealing Coach Road, Lilydale. 7 signatures.


Moved: Cr Cox


Seconded: Cr Higgins


That the following listed General Petitions be received and noted and referred to the appropriate officer.


1.    Road Maintenance. Request to seal Coach Road, Lilydale.


The motion was Carried unanimously.





Yarra Ranges Tourism Partnering Agreement 2022-23 pdf icon PDF 703 KB

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With support from Council, Yarra Ranges Tourism (YRT) was formally established in 2006 following the merger of two organisations, Destination Yarra Valley Dandenong Ranges (former Tourism Board) and the Yarra Valley Brand Inc. in 2006. Since that time, Council has supported Yarra Ranges Tourism through a Partnering Agreement to enable unified strategic branding and marketing, and to secure the region’s position as a major regional destination in Australia.


The Victorian Government has released its Visitor Economy Recovery and Reform Plan (VERRP) outlining the Government’s intention to support Victoria’s visitor economy and tourism industry including the transition of Regional Tourism Boards into a network of Visitor Economy Partnerships by 2023. While a detailed transition plan or timeframe is not yet available, it is recommended Council continue to support YRT for the 2022-23 financial year and review this commitment following an internal review on the effectiveness of YRT and the progress of the VERRP.


The current Partnering Agreement with Yarra Ranges Tourism concludes on 30 June 2022.


Moved: Cr McAllister

Seconded: Cr Eastham

That Council

1.    Extends the Partnering Agreement with Yarra Ranges Tourism for a further 12 month period concluding 30 June 2023.


2.    Maintains the existing funding amount of $489,016 per annum.


3.    Contributes funding of up to $50,000 to a regional Destination Management Plan for the Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges Tourism Region.


4.    Undertakes a comprehensive review to assess the effectiveness of Yarra Ranges Tourism and determine the most appropriate role, in considering the Visitor Economy Recovery and Reform Plan.


5.    Receives a further report following completion of the review and progress on the implementation of the Victorian Government’s Visitor Economy Recovery Reform Plan.

The motion was Carried.



Planning Scheme Amendment Request - 27-33 Old Hereford Road, Mt Evelyn pdf icon PDF 633 KB

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A request to amend the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme has been received by the owner of land at 27-33 Old Hereford Road, Mount Evelyn, to enable a two-lot subdivision. A concurrent application for a two-lot subdivision has also been submitted under Section 96A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.


While a permit can be sought for a second dwelling on a lot, as has occurred on this property, the land is in the Low-Density Residential Zone (LDRZ) which has a minimum subdivision size of 4,000 square metres for any new lot created. Hence subdivision is not possible on the subject site which is 5,160 square metres. The amendment request seeks to create an exemption in the planning scheme to allow a reduced lot size through the application of a Specific Controls Overlay.


In order to commence the amendment process, the proponent is requesting Council to seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare and exhibit an amendment (Amendment C208).


The proponent has now submitted the required information to support an authorisation request.


In accordance with Governance Rule 58, Lang Baulch spoke in objection to the recommendation included in the officer report.


Mover: Cr Heenan


Seconder: Cr McAllister


That Council


1.    Request the Minister for Planning authorise the preparation and exhibition of Amendment C208 to apply a Specific Controls Overlay and draft planning scheme permit for the two-lot subdivision of 27-33 Hereford Road, Mt Evelyn, generally in accordance with the attachments to this report.


2.    Subject to the Minister’s authorisation, exhibit Amendment C208 to the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme.


3.    Receive a further report considering submissions.


The motion was carried.



Storm and Pandemic Recovery Update pdf icon PDF 994 KB

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This report provides Council with an overview of Yarra Ranges’ approach to the storm recovery across the past year, updates on recent pandemic and storm recovery activities, and highlights arising issues.


Updates highlight the diversity of recovery initiatives that collectively aim to assist the Yarra Ranges community and local business in its recovery from the pandemic and the June storm event last year.


Four Regional Community Recovery Committees, established to cover both the pandemic and COVID 19, continue to focus on engaging with the community and learning about priorities that are important for recovery. To this end, members are actively having conversations with community groups and individuals.


A financial update has also been provided which indicates that as at the end of April 2022, $15.6 million has been expended on the recovery effort. This compares with a total of $13.6 million that has been received to date. It should be noted that while the advance received on claims under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) are welcomed, Council is still no clearer on the overall level of funding support that will be made available by State and Commonwealth Governments.


It should also be noted that a fully reviewed version three of the Municipal Recovery Plan will be presented to Council for endorsement in July detailing the recommended actions for 2022/23.


Information on events, support services and resources are available on Council’s ‘Support Yarra Ranges’ website: Home Support Yarra Ranges or can be reached by contacting our Community Recovery Team via 1300 368 333 or


Mover: Cr Fullagar


Seconder: Cr Eastham


That Council notes


1.    The current issues relating to the recovery from the June 2021 storm event and pandemic.


2.    The updates on recovery activities undertaken by Council over recent months.


The motion was Carried.



CT6788 Road Maintenance and Street Sweeping Award of Tender pdf icon PDF 337 KB

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Cr Skelton left the meeting prior to consideration of the item, having declared a conflict of interest in this item.




The incumbent Road Maintenance and Sweeping services contractor is DM Roads (Downer Pty Ltd). The Contract for this expires on 31 August 2022.


The new Contract is comprised of a price for one contractor performing the full service (All Services), or alternative proposals for Road Maintenance and Street Sweeping being conducted by separate contractors.


Tenders were advertised/released by e-Tendering on 11 December 2021 and closed 3pm, Wednesday, 9 February 2022.

A Tender Evaluation Panel was established in accordance with Council’s

Procurement Guidelines. Two Council Procurement Services staff along with an independent Probity Auditor were involved throughout the tender process and have reviewed and signed off on the tender evaluation process. The Tender Evaluation Panel consisted of four Council representatives performing the evaluation and scoring, supported by an independent consultant with expertise in the field providing insight and feedback into the process.


Six companies lodged tenders for All or Part of the service:

·         Road Maintenance and Street Sweeping Services (combined) – 3 Submissions

·         Road Maintenance Services (only) – 3 Submissions

·         Street Sweeping Services (only) – 3 Submissions

·         An additional submission was received from a seventh company, but it was considered non-compliant as it included no pricing and was a promotional exercise to introduce their services.


The Tender Evaluation Panel undertook a comprehensive tender evaluation process and shortlisted three companies.


Two of the companies offered All Services or All Services less Street Sweeping. The third company is a Street Sweeping specialist and has tendered a part service based on Street Sweeping as a stand-alone contract alternative.


The Tender Evaluation Panel undertook a Best and Final Offer (BAFO) process on the shortlisted submissions.


The Tender Evaluation Panel’s preferred option is to accept an Alternative Submission and appoint a combination of two contractors for the various parts of the Contract, based on balancing qualitative and price factors with financial risk, contract management and strategic partnership arrangements.


Mover: Cr Eastham


Seconder: Cr Todorov


That Council


1.    Awards the tenders for Contract CT6788 - Road Maintenance and Street Sweeping for a contract period of five years including all extension options to the following companies for the delivery of the nominated portions:


(i)    CT6788 (A) – Provision of Street Sweeping Services to Specialised Pavement Services Pty Ltd (ABN 46 076 353 887) as per its conforming tender for a Year One amount of $1,080,000 (GST exclusive).


(ii)   CT6788 (B) – Provision of Road Maintenance Services (Unsealed Roads Grading, Drain Maintenance, etc) to MACA Infrastructure Pty Ltd (ABN 60 604 456 055) as per its BAFO – Conforming submission for a Year One amount of $5,975,981.16 (GST exclusive).


2.    Accepts the schedule of rates for provisional works as per the Pricing Schedules in Confidential Attachment 1.


3.    The Director of Environment and Engineering be delegated authority to extend the contract term by up to two (2) years on the terms set out in the original contract  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.4


EOI6105 6909 Bridge Cement Creek Road, East Warburton pdf icon PDF 216 KB

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This report summarises the evaluation process and seeks Council approval for the award of the contract for the upgrade of the Cement Creek Road Bridge in East Warburton.


The Evaluation Panel recommends the tender from JTX Civil Contracting Pty Ltd T/As Jotomex Civil Contracting (Jotomex) be accepted for a lump sum contract amount of $1,284,549.35 GST exclusive ($1,413,004.29 GST inclusive).


The works include replacing the bridge deck to increase load capacity and adding pedestrian accessway.


The project will provide improved safety for the community accessing the Cement Creek Redwood Forest (Yarra Ranges National Park).


Moved: Cr Child


Seconded: Cr Fullagar




1.    Council appoint JTX Civil Contracting Pty Ltd T/As Jotomex Civil Contracting (Jotomex) to EOI6105 6909 Cement Creek Road, East Warburton Bridge for a total lump sum price of $1,284,549.35 exclusive of GST including provisional items ($1,413,004.29 inclusive of GST).


2.    The Director, Environment and Infrastructure be delegated authority to sign the contract documents.


3.    The confidential attachments to this report remain confidential indefinitely as they relate to matters specified under section 3(1) (g)(i), (g) (ii) of the Local Government Act 2020.


The motion was Carried unanimously.



Recycling Receival Contract Extension CQ5010 pdf icon PDF 282 KB

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Yarra Ranges Council has a contract in place with Visy Paper Pty Ltd for the Acceptance and Sorting of Recyclables. This contract was originally in place until 30 September 2021, with a two year extension to 30 September 2023 to align it with the kerbside collection contract.


The change in the recycling market required Council to enter into a Deed of Variation for this contract which allowed Council to vary the contracted rate based on industry changes and needs, but to also secure the contract until the final completion date of the extension period of 30 September 2023.


The State Government provided Yarra Ranges Council with an exemption under the Local Government Act 2020 to continue with the contract until 30 June 2022, at which time Council was required to have its own procurement policy in place which would allow the Council to manage any further contract extensions.


This contract was extended by letter to Visy Paper Pty Ltd until 30 June 2022 to align with the state exemption. The current exemption period will expire on 30 June 2022.


The intent of the Direct Deed of Variation was for this contract to run its course with the final extension period to align it with the kerbside collection contract expiring on 30 September 2023.


This report is to consider a further extension of contract CQ5010 - Sale of Recyclables with Visy Paper Pty Ltd which will take it through to 30 September 2023 to align it with current collection contracts and at which time a new contract for recyclables receival and kerb side collection services would be established.


Moved: Cr Skelton


Seconded: Cr Eastham




1.    Council agrees to enter into the extension of contract CQ5010 - Sale of Recyclables, with Visy Paper Pty Ltd through to 30 September 2023.


2.    Council delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer to authorise the contract extension.


3.    The attachment to this report is to remain confidential indefinitely as it relates to matters specified under section 3(1)(g)(i)(ii) private commercial information, being information provided by a business, commercial or financial undertaking that relates to trade secrets.


The motion was Carried.



Alpine Street, Cecil Street & Glenbrook Road, Warburton Declaration of Special Charge pdf icon PDF 397 KB

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Following an extensive consultation process with landowners, Council at its meeting of 12 April 2022 considered a report on road improvement works for Alpine Street, Cecil Street & Glenbrook Road, Warburton. Council resolved to advise of its intention to declare a special charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989.


This report advises that one submission has been received regarding the Special Charge and recommends that Council declare the Special Charge without modification.


Moved: Cr Child


Seconded: Cr Heenan




1.    Council, having given notice of its intention, reviewed the details of the proposed special charge and given consideration of submissions received hereto, declare the special charge for works associated with the Alpine Street, Cecil Street & Glenbrook Road, Warburton Special Charge Scheme in accordance with the provisions of Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989, without modification.


2.    In accordance with the provisions of Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989, notice in writing be served on every person who has lodged a separate submission and in the case of a submission lodged on behalf of a number of persons, notice in writing to one of those persons, advising of Council’s decision and the reasons for the decision.


3.    In accordance with the provisions of Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989, notice be served upon all persons liable for the special charge advising of Council’s decision and that persons aggrieved by Council’s imposition of the special charge upon them, may apply to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal within 30 days of effective issue of the notice, for a review of the decision.


The motion was Carried unanimously.



Boronia Road, Parts Sylvan Avenue & Unity Court, Warburton Declaration of Special Charge pdf icon PDF 387 KB

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Following an extensive consultation process with landowners, Council at its meeting of 12 April 2022 considered a report on road improvement works for Boronia Road, parts Sylvan Avenue and Unity Court, Warburton. Council resolved to advise of its intention to declare a special charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989.


This report advises that no submissions have been received regarding the Special Charge and recommends that Council declare the Special Charge without modification.


Moved: Cr Child


Seconded: Cr McAllister




1.    Council, having given notice of its intention, reviewed the details of the proposed special charge and having received no submissions received hereto, declare the special charge for works associated with the Boronia Road, parts Sylvan Avenue and Unity Court, Warburton Special Charge Scheme in accordance with the provisions of Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989, without modification.


2.    In accordance with the provisions of Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989, notice be served upon all persons liable for the special charge advising of Council’s decision and that persons aggrieved by Council’s imposition of the special charge upon them, may apply to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal within 30 days of effective issue of the notice, for a review of the decision.


The motion was Carried unanimously.




Benton Road, Elamo Road & Nagoondie Lane, Healesville Declaration of Special Charge pdf icon PDF 400 KB

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Following an extensive consultation process with landowners, Council at its meeting of 12 April 2022 considered a report on road improvement works for Benton Road, Elamo Road & Nagoondie Lane, Healesville. Council resolved to advise of its intention to declare a special charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989.


This report advises that two submissions have been received regarding the Special Charge and recommends that Council declare the Special Charge without modification.


Moved: Cr McAllister


Seconded: Cr Todorov




1.    Council, having given notice of its intention, reviewed the details of the proposed special charge and given consideration of submissions hereto, declare the special charge for works associated with the Benton Road, Elamo Road & Nagoondie Lane, Healesville Special Charge Scheme in accordance with the provisions of Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989, without modification.


2.    In accordance with the provisions of Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989, notice in writing be served on every person who has lodged a separate submission and in the case of a submission lodged on behalf of a number of persons, notice in writing to one of those persons, advising of Council’s decision and the reasons for the decision.


3.    In accordance with the provisions of Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989, notice be served upon all persons liable for the special charge advising of Council’s decision and that persons aggrieved by Council’s imposition of the special charge upon them, may apply to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal within 30 days of effective issue of the notice, for a review of the decision.


The motion was Carried unanimously.



Campbell Road, Crosley Street & Pilmer Road, Healesville Declaration of Special Charge pdf icon PDF 316 KB

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Following an extensive consultation process with landowners, Council at its meeting of 12 April 2022 considered a report on road improvement works for Campbell Road, Crosley Street & Pilmer Road, Healesville. Council resolved to advise of its intention to declare a special charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989.


This report advises that no submissions have been received regarding the Special Charge and recommends that Council declare the Special Charge without modification.


Cr McAllister moved a motion alternate to that printed in the agenda.


Moved: Cr McAllister


Seconded: Cr Fullagar




1.    Council, having given notice of its intention, reviewed the details of the proposed special charge and having given consideration of submissions hereto, declare the special charge for works associated with the Campbell Road, Crosley Street & Pilmer Road, Healesville Special Charge Scheme in accordance with the provisions of Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989, with the following modification:


a.    The development unit allocation to property 38 Thomas Road, Healesville, be reduced from 2 to 1.5 Units.


b.    Council’s contribution (funded by the Federal Governments Roads for the Community Program) to the project be increased by 0.5 development unit ($3,500), to offset the reduced contribution by property 38 Thomas Road, Healesville.


2.    In accordance with the provisions of Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989, notice be served upon all persons liable for the special charge advising of Council’s decision and that persons aggrieved by Council’s imposition of the special charge upon them, may apply to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal within 30 days of effective issue of the notice, for a review of the decision.


3.    In accordance with the provisions of Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989, notice in writing be served on every person who has lodged a separate submission and in the case of a submission lodged on behalf of a number of persons, notice in writing to one of those persons, advising of Council’s decision and the reasons for the decision.


The motion was Carried unanimously.




In accordance with Chapter 3, Division 4, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Chapter 3, Division 4, of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


There were no Councillor motions listed on the agenda for this meeting.




Management of Japara House


Cr Cox raised concern regarding the financial viability of Japara House, Kilsyth and sought a report from officers on the matter. Cr Cox noted that the facility, which is owned by Council and run by Japara House, were notified of a drop in the amount of funding and indicated that this would be detrimental to its operation. Cr Cox stressed the value of this facility and would like to see serious consideration given to its future management.


The Mayor concurred with Cr Cox and is looking forward to a positive result.




Cr McAllister attended:


?          An Eastern Regional Library Board meeting held 26 May 2022 at Millers Homestead, Boronia.


?          An Audit and Risk Management Committee Meeting held 20 May 2022 at Civic Centre, 15 Anderson Street, Lilydale.


?          The Co-chair Regional Community Recovery Committee Meeting held 1 June 2022 via videoconference. Cr Skelton was also in attendance.


?          The Valley Regional Community Recovery Committee meeting held
12 May 2022 via videoconference.


Cr Todorov attended:


?          The Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee held 19 May 2022 via videoconference and highlighted the following initiatives from the meeting:


§  A Mental Wellbeing Network & Major Initiative project for Council staff with a focus on prevention.


§  In relation to Council’s Gender Equality Action Plan a poster series titled ‘Free from violence’ and appointment of Gender Equity Officer.


§  ‘Our Shout’ project with a focus on alcohol reduction.


§  Ongoing work on healthy sustainable food systems.


Cr Cox attended:


?          A meeting with residents from Ellis Court, Mooroolbark ahead of the Hearing of Submissions Committee Meeting where they expressed their concern with Council’s intention to sell vacant land in the court.


Cr Skelton attended:


?          A meeting of the Sustainable Environment Advisory Committee where Councils Economic Development Strategy, the Biodiversity Plan and a visit from DELWP which centred around environmental resources were the focus.


?          A two-day conference hosted by the Australian Local Government Women’s Association held from Sunday 5 June 2022 until Monday 6 June 2022 in Shepperton.


Cr Child attended:


?          The Interface Council’s Meeting held Wednesday 8 June 2022 via videoconference.


?          A meeting of the MAV meeting held Thursday 9 June 2022 via videoconference.


?          The final meeting of the Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Group - Local Government Forum held on Thursday 2 June 2022 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.



In accordance with Clause 87 of the Meeting Procedures and Use of Common Seal Local Law 2015, as prescribed by Section 14(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with Clause 87 of the Meeting Procedures and Use of Common Seal Local Law 2015, as prescribed by Section 14(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 2020.


There were no Documents for Signing and Sealing received for this meeting.



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Chapter 8, Rule 1, of the Governance Rules requires that records of informal meetings of Councillors must be kept and that the Chief Executive Officer must ensure that a summary of the matters discussed at the meeting tabled at the next convenient Council meeting and recorded in the Minutes of that Council meeting.


An ‘informal meeting of Councillors’ is defined in the Governance Rules as a meeting of Councillors that:


·         is scheduled or planned for the purpose of discussing the business of Council or briefing Councillors;


·         is attended by at least one member of Council staff; and


·         is not a Council meeting, Delegated Committee meeting or Community Asset Committee meeting.


The records for informal meetings of Councillors are attached to the report.


Moved: Cr Heenan


Seconded: Cr Higgins


That the records of the Informal Meetings of Councillors, copies of which are attached to the report, be received and noted.


The motion was Carried unanimously.




In accordance with section 66(2)(a) of the Local Government Act 2020.


In accordance with section 66(2)(a) of the Local Government Act 2020.


There were no confidential items listed on the agenda for this meeting.



In accordance with Chapter 3 Rule 24 of the Governance Rules developed by Council in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.


There were no Urgent items listed on the agenda for this meeting.



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